Bhubaneswar (VISAKEO), 16th Oct:- Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (PCTV) Bill-2011 is un-constitutional. It is violative of article 15 of the constitution which prohibits discrimination on the ground of religion or caste and reserves the the right to equality of all citizens. The bill is more disastrous than the partition of India as it is intended to divide us the people of india on communal lines. Therefore this bill should not be permitted even to be introduced in the parliamenr, told Dr M.Rama Jois, RajyaSabha MP, former Chief Justice of Punjab-Haryana Highcourt & X-Governor of Bihar & Jhadkhand. He speaks all this in a seminar on this proposed bill organised today by Viswa Sambad Kendra, Odisha at Redcross Bhawan, Bbsr.
Retd Prof of Utkal University Dr Sachidananda Tripathy presided over the meeting. Other guests were retd police DG Sarat Chandra Mishra, former spl CBI judge Hrudaya Ballabha Das, Sr journalist Pratap Mahanty, Advocate of Highcourt Kailash Chandra Kara & Sarbeswara Behera. All of them speaks about the social, political & legal aspects of this proposed law.
Dr Jois also told that this bill is intended more for vote bank politics than respect to constitution and law. It is also is a threat to the secular aspects of our country. Mr S.Ch Misra told that the persons who preapered the draft bill are neither legal experts nor elected representatives of our country. It will be mere an injustice to the majority of people in the name of secularism. Mr P.Mahanty expressed his concern over the anti-Hindu attitude of the UPA government who is preparing such a bill to favour minority. He even warned that if the bill will transfer into law it can cause another partition of India. Mr Das, Advocate Mr Kara & Mr Behera also told in the same line that this bill has number of lacunas & it can be used against Hindus with ill intention.
In the meeting it was anounced that Viswa Sambad Kendra, Odisha will launch a mass awareness campaign against the bill to unite all people irrespect of religion, caste & creed.
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