Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Muzaffarnagar violence : Muslim groups want dismissal of Akhilesh Government

Muzaffarnagar violence : Muslim groups want dismissal of Akhilesh Government

September 11, 2013 
Bhadrapad Shuklapaksha 6, Kaliyug Varsha 5115
Slap on the face of Akhilesh Yadav government even after appeasing Muslims ! - Editor
The All-India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat (AIMMM) has demanded immediate dismissal of the Samajwadi Party led Akhilesh Government in the wake of simmering tension in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh.
According to reports many Muslim groups have written to Union Home Minster SushilKumar Shinde asking immediate intervention to the communal tension in Uttar Pradesh. The minority community, which constitutes over 18 per cent of the State’s population, is an important tool for vote-bank politics in the State.
Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan wrote while addressing the Home Ministry “It is our considered opinion that the SP Government in Uttar Pradesh has failed in its basic duties, and it is collaborating with communal elements to polarise society ahead of the general elections. Muzaffarnagar and adjoining areas have been simmering for close to two weeks and now when the fire has spread to rural areas, the State government has woken up and started taking hesitant steps,”.
Communal violence was reported in Muzaffarnagar on 27th of August between two communities which has claimed around 38 lives so far.
Source : Niti Central

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