Thursday, November 25, 2010

ABVP is the world’s largest studentorganization.

Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) is the world’s largest studentorganization.
The organization has carved a niche for itself in the national canvas through its approach, activates, initiatives, programmes and protests. It has the pride of being the world’s only student organization with 17,80,802 members.

Considering Swami Vivekananda as an youth icon, ABVP is striving to realize his dream-a dream of building a strong and prosperous nation. ABVP has conscientiously resolved to create a platform of young leaders who serve the society and nation with a deeper understanding of the national spirit and unparalleled commitment towards the end of realizing the vision of developed India. The pursuit of such an ideal has been made possible by the underlying value system based on Indian spriritual ethos, democratic principles, discipline and sense of responsibility. ABVP firmly believes that spirituality and service are the two strong foundations on which the character of the youth of this nation has to be shaped.

Know ABVP moves in different part of Nation's...

राम लला भी जिनकी गोद में रहे, ऐसी थीं ऊषा दीदी

राम लला भी जिनकी गोद में रहे, ऐसी थीं ऊषा दीदी

राम लला भी जिनकी गोद में रहे, ऐसी थीं ऊषा दीदी
(एक महादेवी को विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि)
ऊषा दीदी ने अपने जीवन के 81 वर्ष जिस तरह से देश व समाज के लिए समर्पित
किए वह हम सभी के लिए अनुकरणीय हैं। त्याग, वात्सल्य, क्षमा, कर्तव्य
निष्ठा, साहस, प्रेम, दया, करुणा, कोमल ह्र्दयता, निर्भीकता तथा धर्म व
राष्ट्र से अटूट प्रेम, आखिर क्या नहीं था ऊषा दीदी में। न कभी थकना, न
रुकना, न उदास होना, न उदास होने देना, किसी की भी सहायता के लिए सदैव
तत्पर रहना, गलत कार्य न करना और न ही करने देना, नेम व फ़ेम से सदा दूर
रहना, भारतीय सभ्यता व संस्कृति में गहन आस्था रखना उनकी विशेषता थी।
शायद यही कारण रहा हो कि एक दिन अयोध्या में भगवान राम लला भी उनकी गोदी
में आ गए।

18 जनवरी 1930 को जन्मी पूज्य ऊषा दीदी ने अपनी जीवन यात्रा के एक एक पल
को ऐसे जीया कि उसका एक क्षण भी समाज के लिए प्रेरणा का श्रोत बन गया। एक
धनाढ्य परिवार में सात भाइयों के बीच इकलौती बहन के पास आखिर क्या नहीं
था? हर प्रकार की सुख-सुविधा, भरा पूरा परिवार, पुत्र-पुत्री, धन-वैभव
आखिर सब कुछ तो था उनके पास। किन्तु, इस सब का मोह उन्हें अपने जाल में
नहीं फ़ंसा पाया। उन्हें सबसे ज्यादा सुख यदि किसी कार्य में मिलता था तो
वह था समाज सेवा।

“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते” को चरितार्थ करने वाली श्रद्धेय ऊषा दीदी ने 1964
से विश्व हिंदू परिषद के माध्यम से महिलाओं को संगठित करने का कार्य
प्रारम्भ किया। बाद में उन्होंने “मातृ शक्ति” की नींव रखी तथा इसी कार्य
हेतु मातृ शक्ति सेवा न्यास की स्थापना भी की। 1968 से 1972 के मध्य
मोरीशस से आये बालकों के लिए संस्कार केन्द्र चलाया। 1976-77 में
तमिलनाडु में महिला कार्य विस्तार हेतु गहन प्रवास किया। इसके बाद
सम्पूर्ण उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्य प्रदेश, राजस्थान और इंद्रप्रस्थ क्षेत्र
में भी लगातार प्रवास कर विहिप की महिला शाखा- मातृ शक्ति को अपने पैरों
पर खडा किया। 1979 के द्वितीय विश्व हिंदू सम्मेलन में भी उनकी भूमिका
अग्रणी थी। 1987 में हिन्दी भाषी क्षेत्र की महिलाओं का एक अभ्यास वर्ग
आगरा में उन्होंने अत्यन्त सफ़लता पूर्वक संपन्न किया। श्री राम-शिला पूजन
कार्यक्रम की घोषणा प्रयाग की जिस तृतीय धर्म संसद में हुई उस की सफ़लता
हेतु वे एक माह तक प्रयाग में ही रहीं और एक एक कार्य को उन्होंने बारीकी
से देखा। विहिप की उपाध्यक्षा श्रीमती मीना ताई भट्ट के शब्दों में “मुझे
स्मरण नहीं आता है कि उन्होंने किसी बैठक, प्रशिक्षण वर्ग, शिविर या किसी
अन्य कार्यक्रम में स्वास्थ्य के कारणों से भाग न लिया हो”। वे सचमुच ही
अदभुत क्षमता की धनी थीं।

दिसम्बर 1992 में जब अयोध्या में ढांचा गिरा तो भगवान राम लला अचानक उनकी
गोदी में आ गये। शायद उनका वात्सल्य व भगवत प्रेम भगवान को भी खींच लाया
था। 1994 में राजधानी दिल्ली के ताल कटोरा स्टेडियम में एक लाख महिलाओं
की सह-भागिता के साथ हुए अखिल भारतीय महिला सम्मेलन के सारे आर्थिक पहलू
की जिम्मेदारी उन्होंने स्वयं संभाली और उनकी अकल्पनीय कार्य क्षमता के
सभी कायल हो गए। संतो के प्रति आगाध श्रद्धा की पुंज दीदी का साध्वी
शक्ति परिषद के सहस्त्र चण्डी यज्ञ में दिया गया योगदान भी किसी माइने
में कम नहीं था।

हिन्दुत्व व राष्ट्रीय सम्मान की रक्षा के प्रति आपका समर्पण शायद जन्म
के ही संस्कारों में मिला था। नाम, पद या प्रसिद्धी की लालसा तो उनसे
कोसों दूर थी। विहिप के अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री अशोक सिंहल तथा
राज्य सभा सांसद व सेवा निव्रत आई पी एस श्री बी पी सिंहल सहित सात
भाइयों की इकलौती बहन तथा श्री रोहित व श्रीमती भावना की मां श्रीमती ऊषा
की वात्सल्य छाया गत 19 नवम्बर को चाहे हमारे ऊपर से उठ गई हो किन्तु
उनका सूक्ष्म शरीर, चिंतन, विचार व भाव हम सभी को सदा प्रेरित करते
रहेंगे। ऐसी महादेवी को हम सभी का शत-शत नमन।
329, द्वितीय तल, संत नगर, ईस्ट आफ़ कैलाश, नई दिल्ली - 110065

Vagish Issar (IVSK) 09810068474

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

RSS pay tribute to Guru Gangadhar and Bhikhari Bala

RSS pay tribute to Guru Gangadhar and Bhikhari Bala
Bhubaneswer:(visakeo) - Rastriya Swayamsebak Sangha paid homage to Odissi dance guru Gangadhar Pradhan and singer Bhikhari Bala during its state executive and coordination meeting at kesav dham in Gatiroutpatana of Cuttack. It was also organized a two minute silent prayer to memorize above two veteran. National secretary (sarakaryabaha) of RSS Sri Suresh Joshi, state president (pranta sanghachalak) Sri Bipin Bihari Nanda, state secretary (pranta karyabaha) Sri Gopal Prasad Mohapatra and other state functionary were presented in that meeting.

Sahakar Bharati celebrated Co operative week

Sahakar Bharati celebrated Co operative week
Bhubaneswar: (visakeo)- Sahakar Bharati celebrated its eleventh Cooperative week at unit-3 Saraswati Sishu Bidyamandir here.
Veteran RSS functionary Sri Ghanashyam Mohapatra who joined as the chief guest in that function praised the work of Sahakar Bharati carrying out across the country. Sri Mohapatra also described the aim and objective of that celebration.
The national vice president of the organization and chief speaker of that occasion Prof. Pramod Kumar sahu presented in details about co-operative Act, present status of co-operative in the state, work and future planning of projects have been started by SB and declared to start a hosing project under this society. The project director of first registered project Nobel Co-operative running in Bhubaneswar had described about the project. Above said function was presided by the vice president of Odisha branch of SB Sri Niranjan Badu, he thanked to the members for their active cooperation.
State joint secretary Sri Sukant Kumar Das gave vote of thanks to all.

sad news:

sad news:

It is sad to inform you that Smt Susheelamma, 81 years, was mother of Sri Seetharama Kedilaya (Akhil Bharatiya Seva Pramukh) expired today morning at her native resideense at Puttur, Dakshin Kannada district of Karnataka. Susheelamma survived with 3 sons and 6 daughters. Of the 9 children, Seetharama ji was the second son.

RSS Karnataka pranth Sanghachalak expressed condolenses.RSS Akhil Bharatiya Saha-sarakaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Boudhik Pramukh Bhagayyiah, Kshetreeya Pracharak Mangesh Bhende, Kshetreeya Pracharak pramukh Da.Ma.Ravindra and several others visited Kedilayaji's native home and expressed their condolences

A good harvest in Himachal

A good harvest in Himachal

Horticulture acts as a force multiplier in the farming sector of the Himachal Pradesh. With precision farming techniques like poly houses and micro-irrigation more farmers are reaping the benefits of crop diversification.

V. Shanmuganathan

Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Himachal Pradesh. It provides direct employment to 70 percent of the state’s population. Rice, wheat and maize constitute the important cereal crops in the state. The BJP government is giving top priority to agricultural production to increase income of the farmers. The emphasis is on production of off season vegetables, fruits and flowers.

Horticulture has proved to be the most remunerative diversification of land use in the hills. The state has an elaborate department of Horticulture with offices spread across HP. During the last few years, the government has brought 20431.4 hectare under fruits, 262 hectare under flowers, and 584.3 hectare under medicinal and aromatic plants. In total 8,25,922 sq m has been brought under protected cultivation of horticultural crops. The horticulture annually contributes around Rs. 2000 crores towards the state GDP. The thrust is on mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, floriculture, hops cultivation, fruit processing etc.
On Wednesday, October 13 we went to a village called Kufri in Shimla district. It is also a famed hill station, 13 kilometers away from Shimla. On climbing the hills we reached a hamlet called Santhal (in Theog Tehsil). There we met a farmer called Om Prakash, who was producing capsicum (or Shimla Mirch). I wanted to know whether it was profitable, and he informed it indeed was. The credit was due, he said, to the poly house which facilitates growing high value agricultural products under protective conditions. He showed us his poly house. A poly house is a protective shade made of polythene. It would be circular, square or elongated in shape. Temperature, humidity and ventilation are controlled by the equipments fixed in the poly house. Crops grown in the poly house are protected from intense heat, bright sunlight, strong winds, hail storms and cold waves. Poly houses are ideal for growing vegetable and flowers in the off-season. Om Prakash constructed his poly house, spanning 800 sq m, under Horticulture Technology Mission of HP government. An amount of Rs. 2.5 lakhs was provided by the state government as subsidy.

Though protected from the vagaries of weather, his first crop of capsicum was destroyed by disease. Not discouraged, however, he tried capsicum again. He planted 3000 plants, incurring a cost of Rs. 9,000. Besides this he spent about Rs. 20,000 for fertilizer and Rs. 10,000 for pesticides. Till date he could produce 400 boxes of capsicum. He spent Rs. 60 per box as transportation to sell it in the markets. The total expenditure came to around Rs. 53,000. He is utterly confident of earning Rs. 1,00,000 from it. But how did he get the subsidy of Rs. 2.5 lakhs, I asked him. He informed he had applied to the Agriculture Department of HP government for construction of poly house under Pt. Deendayal Kisan Bagwan Samriddhi Yojana. He received the sanction to construct the poly house after fulfilling the necessary conditions.

We met another farmer Aryadeep cultivating cabbage under open conditions in one acre area. The crop is planted in the month of June and completes its lifecycle in October. The cultivation expenses starts with Rs. 25,000 for purchasing seeds. Upon this, he has to spend, Rs. 15,000 towards fertilizer and Rs. 5,000 for pesticides. Then he has to pay for water, labour, packaging, transportation to the market. The total cost of production is around Rs.90,000. A total return from the crop is around Rs.1,60,000 within a
period of 5 months.

Then we met Mukund Lal, a farmer cultivating Pea in the village dhbech (Manjhar block of Theog Tehsil). He grew of Pea of Arkal variety during the month of July on 10 bigha (3.33 acres) of land. He spent about Rs. 20,000 including procurement of seeds, ploughing of land, manure, fertilizers, plucking & packing and transportation etc. About 40 bags of 50 kg each were produced are sold at an average rate of Rs.30/- per kg. With a period of four months he could get Rs. 60,000 as return. He seems to be happy with it. In general farmers of the area grow capsicum, cabbages, beans, cauliflowers, tomatoes and pea.

Himachal is famous for his floriculture. Chrysanthemum, Gerbera, roses, marigold, carnation flowers are generally grown in the mountains. Fresh flowers worth crores of rupees are produced and sent to Punjab, Haryana and Delhi markets. There are seven floricultural nurseries and stations under Department of Horticulture in Solon, Shimla and Kangra and Kullu districts. The department has published a number of free and priced publications for guiding the cultivators.

We visited a village called Puach, where he met a floriculturist called Hemraj. He appeared to be around 50, and had a poly house measuring 288 sq m. He had planted 7800 carnation flower plants, each of which cost him Rs. 10/-. This crop has a life cycle of three years. Once planted it starts blossoming after three months. The plucking is done after every two days in summer and after every 4 days during the winter. The plucked sticks are tied in a bunch of 20 each. Then roughly 50 bunches are packed in a box. This flower mainly finds its market in Delhi. The transportation cost is Rs. 200/- per box from Theog to Delhi. It is one of the best selling flowers. The farmer is happy earning a minimum of Rs. 1.5 lakh per year.

Thus, horticulture, in its various manifestations, has proved to be the most remunerative venture in the hills. It has the potential of bringing economic prosperity to this mountain state of India. In order to strengthen the economy of the farmers thousands of poly houses are constructed under Pt. Deen Dayal Ksian Bagwan Samriddhi Yojana. Subsidy to the tune of 80 percent is being provided to construct poly houses and irrigation process. The state government is trying to bring a sea change in the economic condition of the farmers by way of crop diversification and ensuring better infrastructural facilities.

Vedanta: Oppn seeks Naveen resignation

Vedanta: Oppn seeks Naveen resignation

Bhubaneswar: A combined Orissa opposition on Tuesday, the first day of the winter session of Orissa Assembly, demanded the resignation of CM Naveen Patnaik over the HC judgement on Vedanta University. Last week, the Orissa HC while disposing a slew of PILs on land acquisition for the proposed University had termed the process illegal as the Anil Agarwal Foundation building the institution was not a public company as per the requirement.

Bihar election has written a new story: Nitish

Bihar election has written a new story: Nitish

PATNA: The Bihar election has written a new story, Janata Dal-United (JD-U) leader Nitish Kumar said on Wednesday as he prepared for a second stint as chief minister with voters sweeping his alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) back to power.

Stating that development had won in Bihar, Nitish Kumar said the people wanted to put the state on the path of progress and pointed out that this election had seen women voters come out in a big way. He described his victory as a victory of the people of Bihar.

According to him, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had congratulated him on his win.

The enthusiasm of the voters -- the ruling alliance is slated to win as many as 196 seats of the 243 -- must be given constructive shape, Nitish Kumar told reporters.

"It is a big challenge," he said, adding that the work had just begun and lot more needed to be done.

"Bat banane ka daur khatam ho gaya hai. (The time to talk has ended)," he said, adding that those who fought the election on the basis of caste had been defeated.

"Logon mein jagriti ayee hai, woh apni kahani likhega. yeh chunao ne nayee khani likhi hai. (People have awakened, this will write its own story. This election has written a new story)," he said.

Andhra Pradesh CM Rosaiah resigns

New Delhi: Although on expected lines but surprising due to its timing, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K Rosaiah – under fire for being “weak” as CM - on Wednesday decided to resign from his position.

Rosaiah had been facing opposition ever since he took over the mantle from strongman YS Rajashekhar Reddy - who was killed in a plane crash. Officially, Rosaiah said that he has resigned due to ill health.

The octogenarian Congress “loyalist” was seen as not being able to properly handle the open rebellion by Rajashekar’s son Jagan - Sakshi TV owned by him had openly denounced Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

And, also the brewing trouble with relation to the demand for a separate Telangana state.

He would be meeting the state Governor at around 4 pm today and will formally submit his resignation.

Speaking to reporters after he resigned, Rosaiah said that he has done his best and that there is no “specific” reason other than his ill health is behind his decision.

“I sought permission from the High Command to resign, I am grateful, especially to Sonia Gandhi, that my request has been accepted,” he said.

Rosaiah announcement came even as a team of senior Congress leaders comprising Pranab Mukherjee, Veerappa Moily, AK Antony and Ahmed Patel are on their way to Hyderabad to take stock of the situation and get the ground report on who could be an ideal replacement.

As per reports, Kiran Reddy, Geeta reddy and B Satyanarayana are the favourites to be the next Chief Minister of the state.

Yeddyurappa to continue as Chief Minister: BJP

Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI -

Beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B. S. Yeddyurappa, facing allegations of corruption and nepotism, yet again staved off a mounting challenge to his leadership as the BJP on Wednesday announced that he will continue in office.

“After consultations with senior party leaders and state leaders, the party has decided to continue with B. S. Yeddyurappa as Chief Minister of Karnataka,” BJP chief Nitin Gadkari said in a statement that set at rest political uncertainty in the ruling party in the State.

Reading out the statement, party spokesperson Prakash Javedekar quoted Mr. Gadkari as saying that while the Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Karnataka government would go into the allegations of land allotment against him, the Chief Minister had also requested the party to go into these or any other allegations.

“I shall take adequate assistance to look into the same,” Mr. Gadkari said.

With Mr. Gadkari’s statement, the 67-year-old leader, the first BJP Chief Minister in south, has successfully defied the party leadership which had veered round to his removal in the wake of mounting allegations of land allotment to his family members and receipt of money from the mining lobby.

While reports emerged that the party wanted him to make way for a successor, the Chief Minister had put up a defiance saying he would not resign. But on Tuesday, he said he would abide by the party leadership which was interpreted as a sign that he had reached an understanding with the high command.

The decision on his continuance comes amidst indications that the dominant Lingayat community to which he belongs may not take his removal lightly and also in view of the upcoming local body elections in the State.

The party chief said with panchayat and zilla parishad elections in Karnataka round the corner, leaders and workers should work together to ensure the success of the party.

Mr. Gadkari said the allegations against Mr. Yeddyurappa had created an “environment of uncertainty” in the State for the past few days. The Chief Minister has denied all these allegations and also offered his response, both in public and to the party leaders, he said.

Mr. Javedekar said there can be no comparison between the allegations of land scam in Karnataka with 2G spectrum scam and Commonwealth Games scams. “It is not a matter of perception or allegations. It is a fact of willingness for enquiry which Congress is refusing,” he said.

“In Karnataka, an inquiry has already been ordered but in the cases of 2G spectrum and other scams, the Congress started acting only after Supreme Court intervention,” he said.

"Was never asked to resign"

After the BJP leadership announced its decision, a confident Karnataka Chief Minister told reporters, "I was never asked to resign."

"Senior party leaders L. K. Advani, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley have given their blessings to me," he said, adding he would be going back to Karnataka on Wednesday.

"Zila panchayat and taluka elections are around the corner. We will have to work towards that and ensure a resounding victory. We will concentrate on development," Mr. Yeddyurappa said.

Keywords: Karnataka political crisis, B. S. Yeddyurappa

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

BJP President Nitin Gadkari to visit Orissa

BJP President Nitin Gadkari to visit Orissa
Bhubaneswar:(visakeo) National President of Bharatiya Janata Party Shri Nitin Gadkari is scheduled to visit Odisha on 17th and 18th January next year. State President Shri Jual Oram and Organising General Secretary Panchanan Rout, who are camping in New Delhi met Shri Nitin Gadkari and appraised him of the maladministration in Odisha under the BJD Chief Minister Naveen Pattnaik.

They particularly drew attention of Shri Gadkari to the massive corruption to the tune of three lakh crores in Mines and personal favour shown to Vedanta Company and the POSCO transgressing all legal bars that has been exposed by Odisha High Court as well as Lokpal by separate orders. Shri Nitin Gadkari has finalized his tour programme to Odisha for 17th and 18th January 2011 in order to focus on corruption by Naveen Government in the State. Shri Jual oram has been planning for a congregation of more than one lakh party workers from various parts of the state, at Bhubaneswar during visit of BJP National President.

In order to streamline the tour programme of Shri Nitin Gadkari, the State Executive would meet at Bhubaneswar on 14th and 15th of December 2010. This being the maiden visit of the National President Shri Gadkari to Odisha, BJP plans to start their mass agitational progamme to oust the corrupt government of Naveen Pattnaik who has no concern even for the judicial findings in Vedanta Varsity Case. The CM going out of the way, showing personal favour to a private company even acquired the farm-land of Sri Jagannath Temple of Puri with which the people of Odisha are emotionally attached.

That apart, the serial suicidal cases by poor farmers, the poor state of law and order in the state culminated by utter failure of the state government to contain the Maoist menace inspite of central para-military police enforcement in the state, corruption in rural electrification, NREGS funding and coal-scam would all figure against the state government in the mass movement programme to start in January next, said Shri Ashok Sahu the party spokesperson.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

SC asks Govt to put on record PM's action on Raja

SC asks Govt to put on record PM's action on Raja
November 18, 2010
New Delhi

The Supreme Court today asked the Centre to file by Saturday an affidavit before it on Prime Minister Manamohan Singh's "alleged inaction and silence" on Subramaniam Swamy's plea seeking sanction to prosecute ex- Telecom minister A Raja in the 2G spectrum scam case.

Calling the lengthy delay in taking a decision on the Janata Party leader's petition as an "extremely serious matter", the Apex Court also said the CAG report on the 2G spectrum allocation placed in Parliament was "revealing."

A bench comprising Justices G S Singhvi and A K Ganguly granted time to the Centre to file the affidavit after Solicitor General Gopal Subramanium said that he is in a position to place before it the entire record on the issue.

The court was hearing a petition filed by Swamy, the president of Janta Party, seeking a direction to Prime Minister for grant of sanction for prosecution of the DMK leader who has since resigned as Telecom Minister in connection with the spectrum allocation controversy. Raja resigned on Sunday.

The Solicitor General told the court that he could file an affidavit on behalf of the government.

The bench also asked Swamy that if he wants to file any affidavit, he can do so by Monday. It posted the matter for further hearing on Tuesday.

After a brief hearing, the bench asked the Solicitor General to file an affidavit giving details on the issue "so that tomorrow you may not say that the opportunity was not given to place the records".

During the course of the submissions by the Solicitor General, the court said, "All these statements are oral, it will be extremely serious if we find ultimately that something is kept back from this court, so it will be appropriate to file an affidavit."

Swamy said he had also received a letter from Raja that why sanction would not be granted on his plea.

At this point, the bench said how can Raja write such a letter. "He is not a sanctioning authority. We cannot consider it," the court said.

The bench also took on record the CAG report submitted in Parliament.

Advocate Prashant Bhushan, appearing for the NGO, Centre for Public Interest Litigation, said the observations made in the CAG report were damaging.

To this, the bench said, "Why are you saying it is damaging, it is revealing."

At the outset, the Solicitor General submitted to the court that he has already gone through all records pertaining to Swamy's complaint against Raja to the Prime Minister and the detailed communication between him and the PMO.

He sought to assert that total transparency was maintained on the issue.

Swamy, however, contended that he received only one letter from the PMO in March 2010 on his plea seeking prosecution of Raja. "There was no other letter," he said.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday had asked some embarrassing questions on lenghty delay on the part of the Prime Minister in taking a decision on Swamy's plea for grant of sanction to prosecute Raja in the Spectrum scam.

Monday, November 08, 2010

RSS will organize mass agitation on 10th November

RSS will organize mass agitation on 10th November

BHUBANESWAR, Nov 8:(visakeo)- The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh will organize a mass agitation all over the country including Orissa on November 10th in protest against linking it with Ajmer bomb blast said state general secretary (pranta karyabaha) of RSS Orissa unit Gopal Prasad Mohapatra in a press meet here .

Sri Mohapatra said that the recent investigations of the Rajasthan ATS team looking into the Ajmer blast, was part of that sinister designs to destabilize Country’s peace and security.

“Sangh since its inception has been working for a vibrant India but
Some forces coined Saffron terror and blaming us” Mohapatra said.

When Ajmer blasts took place, the then Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil
had blamed Huji and LeT but present Home Minister P.Chidambaram saying
RSS leaders involved in the blasts, he said.

“It was unfortunate and politically motivated,” he said.

.He alleged the UPA government of “misusing” the Anti-Terrorism Squard for its political interest. He said the Congress was doing such things to “make stronger its hold on Muslim community” and make an impression that RSS is anti-minority.

Charging political parties affiliated to UPA government with trying to tarnish the image of RSS by linking it to terror activities in the country, Mohapatra said such attempts are politically motivated keeping an eye on the votes of minorities.

Stating that the Hindu organizations and religious leaders are constantly under target since the last few years, he “alleged” that by doing so, they are trying to dishonour the Hindu religion and the country. Further, he said investigations are not being carried out properly into a bomb blast case in which RSS pracharak Indresh Kumar’s name has cropped up.
Bhubaneswar city president (sanghachalak) of RSS Sri Raghunath Pati also attends that press meet.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Cow smuggling: recovered 9 cow and one bull

Cow smuggling: recovered 9 cow and one bull

Bhubaneswar:(visakeo) nine cow and one bull were recovered at the time of smuggling here today. Police arrested two cow smugglers Imtiaz (45) a resident of Odiabazar of Cuttack and phutuli Uddin Khan of Jatani with case no. 339 as per article 294/506/34 IPC R/W section 11(1)(B.D.K) of P.C Act . The cow and bull are being sloughs on 17th November during Id-Ul-Juha. Said animals were loaded like laguage with bonded leg and tail on a small tata ACE vehicle bearing number OR 02 AX 4359 and being transported to Cuttack from Airajpur market. Some people have tried to stop that vehicle near Barmunda fly over but the driver accelerated and became success to fleed from that place. When some other people have tried to stop that vehicle the smugglers were threatened to kill if anybody trying stop them. The furious people then hand over them to Sahid Nagar police and recovered the animals

Tuesday, November 02, 2010



Bhubaneswar, 2/11/10 (Visakeo): It was 2 & ½ year back when Odisha Chief Minister Mr. Nabin Pattanaik laid foundation for Bansadhara integrated project on river Mahendratanayaa. It was the project which can cater the needs of water for irrigation, drinking purpose & electricity production for tribal dominated Gajapati & Rayagada district. Even the plan to construct 2 anikatas is also approved by the state technical committee as well as it got administrative approval. But the Odisha government is doing nothing on this since then. Even if the water resource department is under direct control of Chief Minister, still the department only invited tenders for this project & then it halted. Where as the Andhra Pradesh Government is constructing the dam on its side with full swing. Odisha Government is just sitting silently observing this. It will be harmful to the people of the above 2 districts.
So Rashtriya Odia Yubak Pratisthana on Sunday in a press meet organized at hotel Keshari, Bbsr criticized the state Government for its apathy towards the Mahendratanayaa project. It blamed that Odisha Govt. is neither doing anything to stop Andhra Govt. nor taking the case to court. The ROYP threatened to start a large scale agitation against such attitude of State Govt. if it will not do anything immediately.
Also it suggests 7point charter to state Govt. 1) to apply in Supreme Court against Andhra Govt. which violates 1962 agreement by constructing project at Meliaputa on its side 2) to invite tender for Jalanga Anikata project 3) to construct immediate 2 proposed Anikatas 4) Govt. take the task by own if no one agreed to build the project 5) the task may be handed over to Military Engineering Service 6) to open a division office at Paralakhemundi 7) to fulfill the vacant post at Paralakhemundi subdivision.
Mr. Srikanta Padhy, national chairman, ROYP & convener, Mahendratanayaa Banchao Andolan addresses the journalist friends on this occasion.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Resolution - 3

Resolution - 3
The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal sincerely believes that remembering the great poet
Ravindranath Thakur's life and thoughts is most pertinent today for reviving the conscience of the
Born on May 7, 1861(Bangla year 1268, Vaishakh 25) Ravindranath was the son of Devendranath
Thakur of the illustrious Thakur family. His towering and versatile genius and life dedicated to the
society made him the torch-bearer of the social, Dharmic and spiritual renaissance of last century in
Bharat. His life was embodiment of his ideology and literature based on the unshakable foundation of
eternal Bharatiya values.
He pleaded that we should see our ideals like Ram and Laxman with purity of heart and veneration.
He also opined that it is impudent and shameful not to bow before the great thought manifested by the
flow of history of this ancient nation. He reverentially extolled Shivaji’s endeavour to build the nation
on the basis of Dharma and his dedication and renunciation. He has also glorified the martyrdom of
Sikh Gurus and Banda Bairagi.
His essays are full of nationalistic thoughts. Like, 'Dharma' and religion are not equivalent concepts
and religion cannot be the translation of 'Dharma'; our concept of 'Rashrtra' is different from the
European concept of nation; Terminology based on European thoughts and paradigms is irrelevant in
our context; Identity of Muslims and Christians in Bharat is 'Hindu'; we are solely responsible for our
downfall because although we have a rich diversity of language, religion and regions we are divided
on the parochial notions of the same; we are divided due to casteism, untouchability; etc. On several
occasions he emphasized the need to rewrite the history of Bharat.
Patriotism was the soul of his poetry and music which later acquired the sobriquet 'Ravindra Sangeet'.
He has effectively used all facets of literature - poetry, music, essays, short stories, novels and dramas
- for social enlightenment. These very thoughts and music inspired the nationalist people fighting for
freedom. It is a testimony to his futuristic vision that these very issues remain the themes of
contemporary intellectual discourse.
The year 1901 saw the founding of 'Shantiniketan', a traditional Gurukula in its modern form. Many
stalwarts of the nation were educated here. He addressed Margarate Noble, the disciple of Swami
Vivekanand as 'Agnikanya Nivedita', the name which was later accepted and conferred on her by
Swami Vivekanand. He also supported Nivedita's efforts for education of women.
The movement against partition of Bengal forced by Lord Curzon had aroused a wave of patriotic
fervor across the country. The Rakshabandhan festival on October 16, 1905 celebrated under the
leadership of Ravindranath in Kolkata proved to be the starting point of this movement. This
movement also triggered the Swadeshi movement. Ravindranath's writings give a forceful exposition
of the idea behind Swadeshi. He himself sang Vandemataram in the Congress session.
He was the first Bharatiya to win the illustrious Nobel Prize in 1913 for his collection of poems
'Geetanjali' published in 1912. Geetanjali effectively reflects the ethos of the Vedas and the
Upnishadas. He is the author of the 'Jan Gan Mana', the poem adopted as national anthem in our
constitution after independence. He returned the title 'Nighthood' bestowed on him by the British
government, in protest against the Jalianwala Bagh carnage. He vociferously opposed the reservation
of separate assembly constituencies on the basis of religion. He took initiative in collecting funds from
many peoples including Maharaja of Tripura in order to help Jagdishchandra Basu for his foreign
Many national leaders of those days including Mahatma Gandhi held him as their source of inspiration
owing to the unity of preaching and practice exemplified in his life and Mahatma Gandhi honoured
him by the title 'Gurudev'.
The ABKM appeals to the countrymen to commemorate the occasion of his sesquicentennial birth
anniversary to make his nationalist thoughts exert influence in contemporary Bharat

Resolution - 2

Resolution - 2
The Akhil Bharatiya Karykari Mandal feels immense pleasure on reverential remembrance of
Mahamana Pt.Madan Mohan Malviya ji, born on the Paush Krishna Ashtami Vikram Samvat 1918 (25
December 1861), on his 150th birth anniversary. Malviya ji was a great patriot, freedom fighter, renowned
educationist, editor of several newspapers, skillful lawyer, eloquent orator and munificent donor. The great
cow-devotee, the moving force for building temple at Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi and founder of the Banaras
Hindu University, Malviya ji got established gau-shalas, pathshalas and Mumukshu Ashrams at several places.
Malviya ji started his political voyage by leaving the Kolkata conference of the Congress spell-bound by
his speech at the age of 25. He became the President of the Congress four times and led the Hindu Mahasabha for
twelve years. Gandhiji has always held him in high esteem as the ocean of knowledge and as his spiritual mentor.
Compelled to adopt the career of teaching on completing the 10th standard of education, he adorned
education with the golden aura of Hindutva and had been the Vice Chancellor of the Banaras Hindu University for
20 years. The perceived objective of the Mahamana in establishing the university was to integrate dharma and
ethics as an inseparable part of education for moulding the character of the youth. He strongly believed that
dharma is the sole basis of character and source of bliss in life. For this purpose, he emphasised on Sanskrit
teaching and established the tradition of discourse on Geeta, which is continuing uninterrupted till date. The motto
“Hindunaam Maanvardhanah” written on the entrance of the Kashi Vishwanath temple built in the Banaras Hindu
University was his sole mission in life.
The second Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, revered Shri Guruji had been a student
and teacher in this university. He was blessed with the proximity and affection of Malviya ji at that time .It was
with the benediction of Malviya ji that the office of the Sangh could be established in the university campus and
the Sangh-karya continued to get his blessings.
It was a unique and rare combination in him that he was a political leader of mass acceptance, together
with being a widely respected educational luminary. To redeem his resolve to serve the cause of education and
social-service he renounced his well established practice of law in 1911, for ever. In order to follow the
tradition of Sanyaas throughout his life, he pursued the avowed commitment to live on the society's support.
But when 177 freedom fighters were convicted to be hanged in the Chouri-choura case he appeared before the
court, despite his vow and got acquitted 156 freedom fighters.
While considering the so called untouchables and indigent of the Hindus as the integral part of Hindu
Society and to give them respectable place, he continued to endeavour successfully, to arrange for their
Mantradeeksha and education, inspite of opposition from obscurantists. By virtue of his intimate relations with
Dr.Ambedkar and credibility, he succeeded to seek his consent on the Poona pact .
His commitment for Swadeshi, reflected in his explicit faith in indigenous products, thought, practice,
language and industry was also visible in his devotion for our cultural values. Malviya ji had strongly opposed the
obstruction of the flow of Ganga from Gomukh to Gangasagar and the British government had to restore the
uninterrupted flow of Ganga.
Totally opposed to the politics of appeasement, Malviya ji had opposed the separate electorates for
Muslims under the Lucknow Pact of 1916 and also opposed the participation of Congress in the Khilaphat
movement in early 20's. Giving his clear verdict against the division of the country, he cautioned Gandhi ji
against bargaining for freedom at the cost of division of the country.
His compassionate heart lacerated at the news of horrifying violence against Hindus, in 1946 in Kolkata
and Noakhali. He urged the Hindus to counter the oppressors by organizing against them. This very grief was
the cause of his demise.
Instead of aspiring for Moksha on his demise, he wished for rebirth for the sake of nation and
In brief, in spite of being into politics he was above politics. He was explicit proponent of dharm, stood
against the obscurantism and was supporter of cultural values in life. He was propounder of Swadeshi and
committed for self-reliant Bharat and was strong advocate of reinterpretation of ancient scriptures in light of
contemporary needs. He was deeply devotional and away from parochialism. He was a royal beggar for the social
cause and munificent donor in the personal life.
The ABKM calls upon the central and state governments that while, celebrating the 150th anniversary
they should reintroduce his biography in the curricula as it existed earlier and should restore the originality of
the Banaras Hindu University which was established by him on the basis of the Hindu values and ideals..
The ABKM pays humble and heart-felt homage to Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviya ji and calls upon
the Swayamsevaks and the countrymen to commit to mould the new generation by drawing inspiration from the
noble and intensely active life of Mahamana and follow the Hindu values as reflected in his articles, speeches
and life episodes, in personal life and establish these in the social life.


JALGAON 29 - 31 OCTOBER, 2010
Resolution - 1
Accession of J&K is Full and Final – Talk of Autonomy is Treason
Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal expresses serious resentment over the way the present turbulence in the
Kashmir Valley is being handled by both the State and Central governments. The mistake committed in the
past of trying to pamper the separatist and secessionist leaders of the Valley is being repeated this time too.
Of particular concern is the lackadaisical attitude of the Central Government in addressing the issue. Never
before has the Central Government been perceived as so weak and ineffective before the antics of the State
Government, anti- national tirade of the secessionists and their pseudo-intellectual supporters and
unwarranted internationalization of the Kashmir issue. Treacherous speeches amounting to blatant treason
right under its nose go unchallenged.
The ABKM reiterates that the integration of J&K including Gilgit, Baltistan, Muzafarabad, Mirpur and
Aksai Chin etc into Bharat was full and final with the signing of the Instrument of Accession by the
Maharaja of J&K Sri Hari Singh on 26 October 1947 and subsequent seal of approval by Governor
General Mountbaton on 27 October 1947. Successive and successful democratic elections to the State
Assembly since mid-50s have ratified the integration. Indira Gandhi - Sheikh Abdullah Accord, Nov 1974
puts full stop to any further controversy over the status of the State’s integration.
The ABKM reaffirms that J&K is an integral part of Bharat and any challenge to that issue in the name of
Azadi is nothing short of treason. Azadi has become a euphemism for Islamist and
pro-Pakistan secessionism.
The ABKM takes strong exception to the statement of the Chief Minister of J&K in the State Assembly
that J&K has ‘only acceded but not fully merged with’ Bharat ‘like other Princely states’. Through his
immaturity and inefficiency he has already brought the state into the vortex of violence. With an eye on
vote banks he deliberately allowed the violence to perpetuate by not controlling it with iron hand. Through
his statements on several occasions he created an atmosphere against his own security forces. And now he
openly started speaking the language of the secessionists and their Pakistani mentors. The ABKM is aghast
at the way senior Ministers in the Central Government, in stead of condemning him, sought to support him
thus exposing their own ulterior political games at the cost of nation's integrity.
The ABKM notes with grief that it is this secessionist leadership, which is always held as representative of
the State although a large section of the population of the State is pro-Bharat and patriotic. This section
includes pro-Bharat (nationalist) Muslims in the Valley, the Kashmiri Pandits, Sikhs, Shias , Pahadis,
Buddhists of Ladakh, Gujjars and Bakrawals of the State, people of Jammu region and several lakhs of
refugees and others who don’t have State Subject status even after 60 years. The ABKM urges the
Government to talk to all these sections – especially the Kashmiri Pandits, refugees of the PoK and West
Pakistan refugees - that have stood firmly for Bharat in spite of being the victims of the atrocities of the
secessionist and terrorist elements. The experience so far has been that it is the secessionists and terrorists
that are pampered by the successive governments while pro-Bharat elements are always dismissed with
The ABKM regrets that this time also during the visit of the all-party delegation to the State the separatist
leaders, who should have been delegitimized by the delegation, have in stead been provided big
importance whereas there was no time for the leaders to listen to the pro-Bharat patriotic people.
The ABKM wishes to remind the government that the secessionists and terrorists have lost their ground in
the Valley due to the valiant fight put up by our security forces in the last 2 decades. Around 5000 of our
security personnel have laid down their lives fighting these forces. They continue to fight these forces in
the Valley with their hands tied up and backs to the wall. Instead of supporting and strengthening them the
government, some intellectuals and a section of the media are bent upon vilifying them.
The ABKM deplores this attitude of running down our security forces in the name of baseless allegations
of human rights violations. We should not forget that the intefada-style terrorism deployed by the
secessionists now a days is only a strategic shift in the same terror that they have been indulging in from
the beginning. Whether it was the attack of the Kabaili tribesmen in 1947-48 or the wars of ’65, ‘71 and
’99 or the terrorism and proxy war of the ‘90s or the new wave of
stone-pelting agitational terrorism – all these are different forms of terrorism employed by our neighbour
in J&K. The stone-pelting terrorism in a way betrays the cruel and inhuman face of the secessionist
leadership in which the leaders push young boys in the forefront with stones and make them scapegoats.
More than 3000 security personnel were injured, many grievously, in the recent spate of stone pelting in
the Valley.
The ABKM views the demand for withdrawal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the
Disturbed Areas Act as a dangerous one fraught with serious consequences to the national security. J&K is
a sensitive border state requiring continuous movement of armed forces and also infested with terrorism
sponsored by our neighbor. It is important that our security forces are equipped with sufficient powers to
deal with the situation and the AFSPA is one such Act that can't be dispensed with. While the Government
including the Prime Minister is bent upon withdrawing the Act in their effort to bend backwards to please
the secessionists the Army and the security establishment is strongly resisting any such dangerous move.
The ABKM strongly decries the statements and actions of the Group of Interlocutors, which betray their
lack of depth and understanding of the issues involved. Statements emanating from the members of the
group go against the stated position of our Parliament through the 1994 unanimous resolution. The Group
lacks not only vision and expertise but also legitimacy, as it doesn't have the mandate of either the
parliament or the country. The Group is acting overtly in support of the secessionists and Pakistan thus
greatly harming our interests. The ABKM deplores the reckless attitude of the Central Government in
appointing such a group of biased individuals for such an important mission and calls for its immediate
The ABKM is of the considered opinion that the Central Government is succumbing to foreign pressures
and trying to create a favourable atmosphere for secessionist forces in the Valley. Repeated statements of
the ministers about finding a ‘political solution to the J&K problem’ are nothing but a euphemism for
granting more autonomy. It is to create such an atmosphere that they are using all the forums like the all-
Party delegation, the Group of Interlocutors and even some members of the political establishment.
The ABKM reiterates that the direction of our efforts should be towards reaffirming the status of complete
integration of J&K in the true spirit of our Constitution and the 1994 unanimous Resolution of our
Parliament and not towards autonomy or pre-1953 status.
The ABKM warns the Government that any move to further alienate J&K will be strongly resisted by the
people of the country including the patriotic people of J&K. It calls upon all the political parties to rise
above their differences to ensure that the Government doesn’t compromise on vital national interests in the
context of the J&K problem. The ABKM calls upon the countrymen to understand and undo the
machinations of all these forces that are bent upon destroying the unity and integrity of our nation in the
name of autonomy and political solution to J&K issue. Autonomy is like a post-dated cheque for another
partition, which the country shall never accept.