महाकुंभ को ‘गिनीज बुक’ में शामिल कराने की तैयारी
हरिद्वार। बैसाख पूर्णिमा के अवसर पर बुधवार को महाकुंभ पर्व का अंतिम स्नान हो रहा है और इसके साथ ही सदी का पहला महाकुंभ समाप्त हो जाएगा। इस अवसर पर लाखों श्रद्धालु ब्रह्मकुंड में डुबकी लगा रहे हैं। ऐसी मान्यता है कि ब्रह्मकुंड में स्नान करने वाले व्यक्ति की हर मुराद पूरी हो जाती है।
इससे पूर्व के प्रमुख स्नानों में परंपरा के अनुसार सुबह आठ बजे से शाम सात बजे तक अखाड़ों के लिए ब्रह्मकुंड आरक्षित रहने के कारण इस समयावधि में आम श्रद्धालु यहां स्नान नहीं कर सकते थे।
महाकुंभ के इन साढ़े तीन महीनों में करीब छह करोड़ से ज्याद लोगों ने स्नान किया, जो कि अनुमान से कहीं बहुत ज्यादा है।
मेला अधिकारी श्री आनंद वर्धन ने कहा, “इन साढ़े तीन महीनों में छह करोड़ से ज्यादा लोगों ने स्नान किया जो कि अनुमान से कहीं बहुत ज्यादा है। इस दौरान क़रीब 30 हजार लोग बिछड़े भी लेकिन उन्हें परिजनों से मिलवा दिया गया और कुल मिलाकर ये आयोजन शांतिपूर्ण रहा।”
इस बार के महाकुंभ के लिए शासन ने चार शाही स्नान सहित 11 स्नान घोषित किए थे। इसके पूर्व के आयोजनों में तीन शाही स्नान होते रहे हैं। पहली बार उदासी और बैरागी अखाड़ों ने भी शाही स्नान किया। लगभग पहली बार ही अखाड़ों में स्नान को लेकर कोई विवाद भी नहीं देखने को मिला और सभी 13 अखाड़ों ने आम सहमति से स्नान किया।
इसकी विशेषता यह रही कि इस पर्व में बड़ी संख्या में विदेशी भी शामिल हुए न सिर्फ पर्यटक के तौर पर बल्कि कुछ महामंडलेश्वर भी बने। ऑस्ट्रेलिया के स्वामी जसराजपुरी सहित कई विदेशियों को महामंडलेश्वर की पदवी दी गई।
उत्तराखंड के मुख्यमंत्री डॉ. रमेश पोखरियाल ‘निशंक’ ने इस अनूठे आयोजन के लिए नोबेल पुरस्कार की मांग की है। उन्होंने कहा, ‘अगर अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा को नोबेल मिल सकता है तो कुंभ को क्यों नहीं?’
वहीं, केंद्र सरकार ने महाकुंभ पर्व को गिनीज बुक ऑफ़ वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड्स में शामिल करने का प्रस्ताव किया है।
Thursday, April 29, 2010
नक्सलियों ने वन्य सुरक्षाकर्मी की हत्या की
नक्सलियों ने वन्य सुरक्षाकर्मी की हत्या की
भुवनेश्वर।। उड़ीसा में बुधवार देर रात नक्सलियों ने एक वन्य सुरक्षाकर्मी की हत्या कर दी। पुलिस के अनुसा
र नुआपाड़ा जिले में बुधवार रात भारुमुंडा वन्य क्षेत्र स्थित एक जांच चौकी पर नक्सलियों ने हमला कर दिया और एक सुरक्षाकर्मी की हत्या कर दी।
एक अन्य घटना में कोरापुट जिले के लक्ष्मीपुर इलाके में नक्सलियों ने बुधवार को एक पुल को विस्फोट कर उड़ा दिया।
भुवनेश्वर।। उड़ीसा में बुधवार देर रात नक्सलियों ने एक वन्य सुरक्षाकर्मी की हत्या कर दी। पुलिस के अनुसा
र नुआपाड़ा जिले में बुधवार रात भारुमुंडा वन्य क्षेत्र स्थित एक जांच चौकी पर नक्सलियों ने हमला कर दिया और एक सुरक्षाकर्मी की हत्या कर दी।
एक अन्य घटना में कोरापुट जिले के लक्ष्मीपुर इलाके में नक्सलियों ने बुधवार को एक पुल को विस्फोट कर उड़ा दिया।
6 दिसंबर को अयोध्या में कारसेवा और दर्शन की इजाजत थी
6 दिसंबर को अयोध्या में कारसेवा और दर्शन की इजाजत थी
रायबरेली ।। विवादित ढांचे को नुकसान पहुंचाए जाने की आशंकाओं के बावजूद छह दिसम्बर 1992 को अयोध्या में क
ारसेवकों को कारसेवा और श्रद्धालुओं को राम जन्म भूमि मंदिर में दर्शन की इजाजत थी। यह जानकारी गुरुवार को यहां फैजाबाद की एएसपी अंजू गुप्ता ने रायबरेली की विशेष अदालत में बाबरी मस्जिद विध्वंस मामले की सुनवाई के दौरान बचाव पक्ष के सवालों के जवाब में दी। बाबरी विध्वंस के दिन अंजू बीजेपी के वरिष्ठ नेता लाल कृष्ण आडवाणी की सुरक्षा और एस्कॉर्ट डयूटी में तैनात थीं।
अंजू ने 26 मार्च को मामले में सीबीआई के नौंवे गवाह के रूप में अपने बयान दर्ज कराए थे। उनके बयान पर जिरह के दौरान बचाव पक्ष के वकील हरिदत्त शर्मा ने गुप्ता से पूछा था कि पांच दिसम्बर 1992 को फैजाबाद के तत्कालीन आईजी ए के सरन की अध्यक्षता में हुई समीक्षा बैठक में क्या यह निर्देश दिए गए थे कि छह दिसम्बर को कारसेवकों को कारसेवा और श्रद्धालुओं को रोज की तरह राम मंदिर में दर्शन की अनुमति रहेगी।
इसके जवाब में अंजू ने अदालत को बताया, हमें यह पहले से मालूम था कि छह दिसम्बर को कारसेवकों को कारसेवा करने और श्रद्धालुओं को दर्शन की अनुमति रहेगी और सुरक्षा बलों को सतर्कता बरतते रहना है।
बाबरी विध्वंस मामले में अहम गवाह मानी जा रही अंजू आज इस सिलसिले में तीसरी बार अदालत में पेश हुईं। लगभग तीन घंटे तक चली जिरह में शर्मा ने अंजू से अदालत में दिए गए उनके बयान में बताई गई बहुत सी बातों में से कई का पूर्व में इसी संबंध में सीबीसीआईडी को दिए बयान में उल्लेख न होने और पांच दिसम्बर 92 को आईजी सरन की अध्यक्षता में हुई समीक्षा बैठक में हुई चर्चाओं के बारे में सवाल जवाब किए।
इसके बाद मुख्य दंडाधिकारी गुलाब सिंह ने मामले की अगली सुनवाई के लिए 15 मई की तारीख लगा दी।
शर्मा ने अंजू से गुरुवार को फिर यह जानना चाहा कि क्या आईजी, पुलिस सरन की समीक्षा बैठक में यह बात सामने आई थी कि पाकिस्तानी खुफिया एजेंसी आईएसआई के एजेंट अयोध्या पहुंच कर जनसमूह में मिल गए है और उनकी योजना विस्फोट आदि करके विवादित ढांचे को नुकसान पहुंचाने की है, ताकि देश में अशांति और कानून व्यवस्था का खतरा पैदा हो।
इसके जवाब में अंजू ने कहा, मैं बता चुकी हूं कि आईजी सरन ने खुफिया एजेसियों से विवादित ढांचे को नुकसान पहुंचाने संबंधी खतरों की जानकारियां मिलने का जिक्र किया था। इसमें आईएसआई एजेंटों और कारसेवकों से होने वाले खतरे का भी उल्लेख था। चूंकि, पांच दिसम्बर को इसके अलावा भी सुरक्षा संबंधी बैठकें हुई थी जिनमें हुई चर्चाओं के बारे में मुजानकारी नहीं थी। जनसमूह में और कारसेवको में कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों या आईएसआई के लोगों के शामिल होने के बारे में गुप्ता ने किसी तरह की जानकारी होने से इनकार किया।
बचाव पक्ष के इस सवाल पर कि क्या आईएसआई अथवा कश्मीरी आतंकी संगठनों के खतरे को देखते हुए ही विवादित ढांचे की तीन घेरे वाली सुरक्षा व्यवस्था की गई थी, अंजू ने कहा कि वहां यह सुरक्षा व्यवस्था पहले से ही लागू थी।
एक अन्य सवाल के जवाब में अंजू ने बताया कि आडवाणी की पूरी अयोध्या यात्रा के दौरान उन्हें उनकी एस्कॉर्ट ड्यूटी में तैनात किया गया था, लेकिन छह दिसम्बर की शाम को उनकी ड्यूटी दंगा नियंत्रित करने के लिए लगा दी गई, जिसके बाद वह छह साढे़ छह बजे के बीच मंच के पास से चली गई थीं।
अदालत में दिए उनके बयान में बताई गई कुछ बातों का सीबीसीआईडी को दिए बयान में जिक्र न होने के बारे में पूछे जाने पर, अंजू ने अदालत को बताया कि उन्होंने सारी बातें सीबीसीआईडी के विवेचना अधिकारी को दिए बयान में बतायी थीं, यदि उनका उल्लेख नहीं है तो इस बारे में वह कुछ नही कह सकतीं।
गुप्ता ने मामले में पहली बार 26 मार्च को गवाही दी थी और इससे पहले 23 अप्रैल को बचाव पक्ष ने उनसे जिरह की थी। जिरह आज भी अधूरी रही और अदालत ने अगली जिरह के लिए 15 मई की तारीख लगा दी है। इस मामले में आडवाणी के अलावा मुरली मनोहर जोशी, उमा भारती और संघ परिवार के अन्य नेता आरोपी हैं।
रायबरेली ।। विवादित ढांचे को नुकसान पहुंचाए जाने की आशंकाओं के बावजूद छह दिसम्बर 1992 को अयोध्या में क
ारसेवकों को कारसेवा और श्रद्धालुओं को राम जन्म भूमि मंदिर में दर्शन की इजाजत थी। यह जानकारी गुरुवार को यहां फैजाबाद की एएसपी अंजू गुप्ता ने रायबरेली की विशेष अदालत में बाबरी मस्जिद विध्वंस मामले की सुनवाई के दौरान बचाव पक्ष के सवालों के जवाब में दी। बाबरी विध्वंस के दिन अंजू बीजेपी के वरिष्ठ नेता लाल कृष्ण आडवाणी की सुरक्षा और एस्कॉर्ट डयूटी में तैनात थीं।
अंजू ने 26 मार्च को मामले में सीबीआई के नौंवे गवाह के रूप में अपने बयान दर्ज कराए थे। उनके बयान पर जिरह के दौरान बचाव पक्ष के वकील हरिदत्त शर्मा ने गुप्ता से पूछा था कि पांच दिसम्बर 1992 को फैजाबाद के तत्कालीन आईजी ए के सरन की अध्यक्षता में हुई समीक्षा बैठक में क्या यह निर्देश दिए गए थे कि छह दिसम्बर को कारसेवकों को कारसेवा और श्रद्धालुओं को रोज की तरह राम मंदिर में दर्शन की अनुमति रहेगी।
इसके जवाब में अंजू ने अदालत को बताया, हमें यह पहले से मालूम था कि छह दिसम्बर को कारसेवकों को कारसेवा करने और श्रद्धालुओं को दर्शन की अनुमति रहेगी और सुरक्षा बलों को सतर्कता बरतते रहना है।
बाबरी विध्वंस मामले में अहम गवाह मानी जा रही अंजू आज इस सिलसिले में तीसरी बार अदालत में पेश हुईं। लगभग तीन घंटे तक चली जिरह में शर्मा ने अंजू से अदालत में दिए गए उनके बयान में बताई गई बहुत सी बातों में से कई का पूर्व में इसी संबंध में सीबीसीआईडी को दिए बयान में उल्लेख न होने और पांच दिसम्बर 92 को आईजी सरन की अध्यक्षता में हुई समीक्षा बैठक में हुई चर्चाओं के बारे में सवाल जवाब किए।
इसके बाद मुख्य दंडाधिकारी गुलाब सिंह ने मामले की अगली सुनवाई के लिए 15 मई की तारीख लगा दी।
शर्मा ने अंजू से गुरुवार को फिर यह जानना चाहा कि क्या आईजी, पुलिस सरन की समीक्षा बैठक में यह बात सामने आई थी कि पाकिस्तानी खुफिया एजेंसी आईएसआई के एजेंट अयोध्या पहुंच कर जनसमूह में मिल गए है और उनकी योजना विस्फोट आदि करके विवादित ढांचे को नुकसान पहुंचाने की है, ताकि देश में अशांति और कानून व्यवस्था का खतरा पैदा हो।
इसके जवाब में अंजू ने कहा, मैं बता चुकी हूं कि आईजी सरन ने खुफिया एजेसियों से विवादित ढांचे को नुकसान पहुंचाने संबंधी खतरों की जानकारियां मिलने का जिक्र किया था। इसमें आईएसआई एजेंटों और कारसेवकों से होने वाले खतरे का भी उल्लेख था। चूंकि, पांच दिसम्बर को इसके अलावा भी सुरक्षा संबंधी बैठकें हुई थी जिनमें हुई चर्चाओं के बारे में मुजानकारी नहीं थी। जनसमूह में और कारसेवको में कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों या आईएसआई के लोगों के शामिल होने के बारे में गुप्ता ने किसी तरह की जानकारी होने से इनकार किया।
बचाव पक्ष के इस सवाल पर कि क्या आईएसआई अथवा कश्मीरी आतंकी संगठनों के खतरे को देखते हुए ही विवादित ढांचे की तीन घेरे वाली सुरक्षा व्यवस्था की गई थी, अंजू ने कहा कि वहां यह सुरक्षा व्यवस्था पहले से ही लागू थी।
एक अन्य सवाल के जवाब में अंजू ने बताया कि आडवाणी की पूरी अयोध्या यात्रा के दौरान उन्हें उनकी एस्कॉर्ट ड्यूटी में तैनात किया गया था, लेकिन छह दिसम्बर की शाम को उनकी ड्यूटी दंगा नियंत्रित करने के लिए लगा दी गई, जिसके बाद वह छह साढे़ छह बजे के बीच मंच के पास से चली गई थीं।
अदालत में दिए उनके बयान में बताई गई कुछ बातों का सीबीसीआईडी को दिए बयान में जिक्र न होने के बारे में पूछे जाने पर, अंजू ने अदालत को बताया कि उन्होंने सारी बातें सीबीसीआईडी के विवेचना अधिकारी को दिए बयान में बतायी थीं, यदि उनका उल्लेख नहीं है तो इस बारे में वह कुछ नही कह सकतीं।
गुप्ता ने मामले में पहली बार 26 मार्च को गवाही दी थी और इससे पहले 23 अप्रैल को बचाव पक्ष ने उनसे जिरह की थी। जिरह आज भी अधूरी रही और अदालत ने अगली जिरह के लिए 15 मई की तारीख लगा दी है। इस मामले में आडवाणी के अलावा मुरली मनोहर जोशी, उमा भारती और संघ परिवार के अन्य नेता आरोपी हैं।
झारखंड का नया झमेला, अगला CM कौन?
झारखंड का नया झमेला, अगला CM कौन?
29 Apr 2010, 1333 hrs IST,नवभारतटाइम्स.कॉम
प्रिन्ट ईमेल Discuss शेयर सेव कमेन्ट टेक्स्ट:
रांची ।। झारखंड का सियासी ड्रामा लगातार उलझता ही जा रहा है। कट मोशन पर संसद में यूपीए सरकार के पक्ष मे
ं शिबू सोरेन द्वारा वोट डालने से नाराज बीजेपी ने बुधवार को आनन-फानन में सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लेने की घोषणा कर डाली थी। लेकिन, अभी 24 घंटे भी नहीं बीते कि बीजेपी अपने फैसले पर पुनर्विचार करते नजर आ रही है।
गुरुवार को बीजेपी ने सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लेने के फैसले को फिलहाल टाल दिया है। अब बीजेपी का केंद्रीय नेतृत्व झारखंड के विधायकों से बात करने के बाद ही अंतिम फैसला लेगा। इस बीच शिबू सोरेन के बेटे ने बीजेपी से माफी मांग ली है और कहा है कि हम अब भी एनडीए के साथ हैं। दूसरी ओर, यह भी खबर आ रही है कि झारखंड का अगला सीएम बीजेपी का भी हो सकता है।
बीजेपी ने झारखंड में शिबू सोरेन के नेतृत्व वाली सरकार से समर्थन वापसी का फैसला गुरुवार को टाल दिया। बीजेपी नेता निर्धारित कार्यक्रम के अनुसार गुरुवार को सुबह 11 बजे राज्यपाल एम. ओ. एच. फारुख से मिलने नहीं पहुंचे। इससे पहले पार्टी ने कटौती प्रस्ताव पर केंद्र सरकार का समर्थन करने वाले सोरेन की सरकार से अलग होने का फैसला किया था।
हेमंत सोरेन ने अपने पिता शिबू सोरेन के कट मोशन के पक्ष में संसद में यूपीए सरकार के पक्ष में वोट देने के बारे में बीजेपी के सीनियर नेताओं को सफाई दी। उन्होंने अपने पिता की तरफ से मांफी भी मांग ली। बीजेपी नेतृत्व हेमंत सोरेन की सफाई से संतुष्ट है। इसके बाद बीजेपी ने अपने पिछले फैसले को फिलहाल टाल दिया है।
सूत्रों के मुताबिक अब इस बात की चर्चा चल रही है कि अगली सरकार का स्वरूप क्या होगा। ऐसी संभावना भी व्यक्त की जा रही है कि सीएम बीजेपी का हो सकता है और हेमंत सोरेन को डिप्टी सीएम बनाया जा सकता है। बीजेपी की ओर से कई लोग सीएम की दौड़ में हैं। पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री अर्जुन मुंडा सीएम की दौड़ में सबसे आगे हैं।
29 Apr 2010, 1333 hrs IST,नवभारतटाइम्स.कॉम
प्रिन्ट ईमेल Discuss शेयर सेव कमेन्ट टेक्स्ट:
रांची ।। झारखंड का सियासी ड्रामा लगातार उलझता ही जा रहा है। कट मोशन पर संसद में यूपीए सरकार के पक्ष मे
ं शिबू सोरेन द्वारा वोट डालने से नाराज बीजेपी ने बुधवार को आनन-फानन में सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लेने की घोषणा कर डाली थी। लेकिन, अभी 24 घंटे भी नहीं बीते कि बीजेपी अपने फैसले पर पुनर्विचार करते नजर आ रही है।
गुरुवार को बीजेपी ने सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लेने के फैसले को फिलहाल टाल दिया है। अब बीजेपी का केंद्रीय नेतृत्व झारखंड के विधायकों से बात करने के बाद ही अंतिम फैसला लेगा। इस बीच शिबू सोरेन के बेटे ने बीजेपी से माफी मांग ली है और कहा है कि हम अब भी एनडीए के साथ हैं। दूसरी ओर, यह भी खबर आ रही है कि झारखंड का अगला सीएम बीजेपी का भी हो सकता है।
बीजेपी ने झारखंड में शिबू सोरेन के नेतृत्व वाली सरकार से समर्थन वापसी का फैसला गुरुवार को टाल दिया। बीजेपी नेता निर्धारित कार्यक्रम के अनुसार गुरुवार को सुबह 11 बजे राज्यपाल एम. ओ. एच. फारुख से मिलने नहीं पहुंचे। इससे पहले पार्टी ने कटौती प्रस्ताव पर केंद्र सरकार का समर्थन करने वाले सोरेन की सरकार से अलग होने का फैसला किया था।
हेमंत सोरेन ने अपने पिता शिबू सोरेन के कट मोशन के पक्ष में संसद में यूपीए सरकार के पक्ष में वोट देने के बारे में बीजेपी के सीनियर नेताओं को सफाई दी। उन्होंने अपने पिता की तरफ से मांफी भी मांग ली। बीजेपी नेतृत्व हेमंत सोरेन की सफाई से संतुष्ट है। इसके बाद बीजेपी ने अपने पिछले फैसले को फिलहाल टाल दिया है।
सूत्रों के मुताबिक अब इस बात की चर्चा चल रही है कि अगली सरकार का स्वरूप क्या होगा। ऐसी संभावना भी व्यक्त की जा रही है कि सीएम बीजेपी का हो सकता है और हेमंत सोरेन को डिप्टी सीएम बनाया जा सकता है। बीजेपी की ओर से कई लोग सीएम की दौड़ में हैं। पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री अर्जुन मुंडा सीएम की दौड़ में सबसे आगे हैं।
रायबरेली में सांप्रदायिक झड़प, 40 गिरफ्तार
रायबरेली में सांप्रदायिक झड़प, 40 गिरफ्तार
29 Apr 2010,
रायबरेली।। उत्तर प्रदेश के रायबरेली जिले में बुधवार को दो समुदायों के बीच हुई झड़प के मामले में पुलिस
ने 40 लोगों को गिरफ्तार किया है।
पुलिस के अनुसार बुधवार को जिले के जायस कस्बे में हुई सांप्रदायिक झड़प के दौरान लोगों ने तोड़फोड़ और आगजनी करने के साथ-साथ विरोधी गुटों और पुलिस पर पथराव किया था।
जिले के अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक शालिग राम ने गुरुवार को संवाददाताओं को बताया गिरफ्तार लोग दोनों समुदायों के हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि जायस और आस-पास के इलाके में भारी सुरक्षा बल तैनात किए गए हैं।
राम ने कहा कि फिर से हालात न बिगड़े इसलिए भारी संख्या में पुलिस बल के अलावा दो कंपनी प्रांतीय सशस्त्र बल(पीएसी) तैनात की गई है। फिलहाल हालात पूरी तरह से काबू में है।
पुलिस के मुताबिक दोनों समुदायों के बीच विवाद एक क्रिकेट मैच से शुरू हुआ, जहां कुछ युवकों ने दूसरे समुदाय के लड़के की पिटाई कर दी थी, जिसके बाद विवाद ने हिंसक रूप ले लिया।
29 Apr 2010,
रायबरेली।। उत्तर प्रदेश के रायबरेली जिले में बुधवार को दो समुदायों के बीच हुई झड़प के मामले में पुलिस
ने 40 लोगों को गिरफ्तार किया है।
पुलिस के अनुसार बुधवार को जिले के जायस कस्बे में हुई सांप्रदायिक झड़प के दौरान लोगों ने तोड़फोड़ और आगजनी करने के साथ-साथ विरोधी गुटों और पुलिस पर पथराव किया था।
जिले के अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक शालिग राम ने गुरुवार को संवाददाताओं को बताया गिरफ्तार लोग दोनों समुदायों के हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि जायस और आस-पास के इलाके में भारी सुरक्षा बल तैनात किए गए हैं।
राम ने कहा कि फिर से हालात न बिगड़े इसलिए भारी संख्या में पुलिस बल के अलावा दो कंपनी प्रांतीय सशस्त्र बल(पीएसी) तैनात की गई है। फिलहाल हालात पूरी तरह से काबू में है।
पुलिस के मुताबिक दोनों समुदायों के बीच विवाद एक क्रिकेट मैच से शुरू हुआ, जहां कुछ युवकों ने दूसरे समुदाय के लड़के की पिटाई कर दी थी, जिसके बाद विवाद ने हिंसक रूप ले लिया।
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
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BHUBANESWAR, 28th APR (visakeo): Its no more real/original naxal ideolism that meant for equality among rich & poor. Now it turned as terrorism, extorcism, loot & killing of innocent & tribals. Naxals or Maoists now started to collect money from people. In a recent intellegence report of Odisha police it was revealed Maoists used extortion as a method to collect money.They used the money collected forcefully for their network expansion, purchase arms & to give money to their cadres. Maoists encourages Ganja crop to raise money from smuglling in Malkangiri district. Naxals protect the Ganja farmers & traders & in turn they collect money from them.No of times they attacked on the Essar company to frightened the staff & collect ransom amount of money from them.It was believed that no of Govt officials & industry owners supply money in fear to naxals.Last year in Rayagada a renowned engineering college.s Staff were caught by police while they carry money bag for maoists. Maoists collected forcefully money from private farms.even the bus operators are also tortured in this process. In mines area like Joda maoists create havoc to get money from mines owners.They burnt the vehicles of company to spread fear among the staffs.Naxals invest small amount of money in grassroot level & a large amount money was used for central committee. The cadres get Rs 2500-4000 while the leaders get much more for planning & execution of stratergic plans.
BHUBANESWAR, 28th APR (visakeo): Its no more real/original naxal ideolism that meant for equality among rich & poor. Now it turned as terrorism, extorcism, loot & killing of innocent & tribals. Naxals or Maoists now started to collect money from people. In a recent intellegence report of Odisha police it was revealed Maoists used extortion as a method to collect money.They used the money collected forcefully for their network expansion, purchase arms & to give money to their cadres. Maoists encourages Ganja crop to raise money from smuglling in Malkangiri district. Naxals protect the Ganja farmers & traders & in turn they collect money from them.No of times they attacked on the Essar company to frightened the staff & collect ransom amount of money from them.It was believed that no of Govt officials & industry owners supply money in fear to naxals.Last year in Rayagada a renowned engineering college.s Staff were caught by police while they carry money bag for maoists. Maoists collected forcefully money from private farms.even the bus operators are also tortured in this process. In mines area like Joda maoists create havoc to get money from mines owners.They burnt the vehicles of company to spread fear among the staffs.Naxals invest small amount of money in grassroot level & a large amount money was used for central committee. The cadres get Rs 2500-4000 while the leaders get much more for planning & execution of stratergic plans.
बीजेपी ने शिबू सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लिया
बीजेपी ने शिबू सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लिया
28 Apr 2010, 1339 hrs IST,नवभारतटाइम्स.कॉम
प्रिन्ट ईमेल Discuss शेयर सेव कमेन्ट टेक्स्ट:
नई दिल्ली।। झारखंड के मुख्यमंत्री शिबू सोरेन ने संसद में कटौती प्रस्ताव के दौरान सरकार के पक्ष में वोट
देकर सियासी भूचाल ला दिया है। सोरेन की इस सियासी चाल से नाराज बीपेजी ने शिबू सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लेने की घोषणा कर दी है। बीजेपी ने यह फैसला संसदीय समिति की बैठक में किया। बीजेपी बुधवार को ही रांची में राज्यपाल से मिलकर उन्हें सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लेने संबंधी पत्र सौंप देगी। संसदीय समिति की बैठक के बाद बीजेपी के सीनियर नेता अंतत कुमार ने इसकी जानकारी दी।
दूसरी ओर झारखंड की इस राजनीतिक घटनाक्रम पर खुलकर कुछ भी कहने से कांग्रेस बच रही है। बीजेपी की समर्थन वापसी की घोषणा पर कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता अभिषेक मनु सिंघवी ने कहा कि अभी इस मसले पर कुछ भी नहीं कहा जा सकता है। दोनों पार्टियां मिल बैठकर निर्णय लेंगी।
इस मुद्दे पर बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार बीजेपी के साथ नजर आए। नीतीश ने कहा कि शिबू सोरेन ने गलत काम किया है और बीजेपी को समर्थन वापस लेना ही चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा कि यह कैसे संभव है कि राज्य में आप किसी और का समर्थन करें और केंद्र में किसी और का।
गौरतलब है कि मुख्यमंत्री शिबू सोरेन ने संसद में कटौती प्रस्ताव के दौरान यूपीए सरकार के पक्ष में वोट दिया था। इसके बाद ही तमाम तरह की अटकलें लगाई जा रही थीं।
राजनीतिक हलकों में यह भी चर्चा है कि शिबू के खिलाफ चल रहे मामले का डर दिखाकर यूपीए सरकार ने उन्हें अपने पक्ष में वोट डालने के लिए मजबूर किया, जबकि कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि शिबू को राज्य में बीजेपी नेताओं का हस्तक्षेप सहन नहीं हो रहा था, इसलिए उन्होंने यूपीए से हाथ मिला लिया है। यह भी कहा जा रहा है कि यूपीए ने शिबू को केंद्र सरकार में जगह देने का भरोसा दिया है साथ ही यह भी कहा है कि वह कांग्रेस और चुनाव में उसके सहयोगी रहे झारखंड विकास मोर्चा को साथ लेकर राज्य में सरकार का गठन करें और अपने पुत्र हेमंत सोरेन को उपमुख्यमंत्री बना दें। झारखंड की 81 सदस्यीय विधानसभा में कांग्रेस के 14, झारखंड विकास मोर्चा के 11 और शिबू के 18 विधायक हैं।लोकसभा में सरकार के खिलाफ कटौती प्रस्ताव के विरोध में मतदान करने के बाद झारखंड मुक्ति मोर्चा ने हालात संभालने के इरादे से पहल करते हुए कहा कि सरकार के पक्ष में मतदान गलती से हुआ और झारखंड में कांग्रेस के साथ मिलकर सरकार बनाने की कोई योजना नहीं है।
हालांकि, शिबू सोरेन के पुत्र हेमंत सोरेन ने कहा था कि मतदान गलती से हुआ। यह मानवीय भूल है जो मतदान के दौरान पैदा हुए भ्रम के चलते हुई। हमने मंगलवार रात ही बीजेपी अध्यक्ष नितिन गडकरी से भेंट कर उनके समक्ष स्थिति स्पष्ट कर दी है।
28 Apr 2010, 1339 hrs IST,नवभारतटाइम्स.कॉम
प्रिन्ट ईमेल Discuss शेयर सेव कमेन्ट टेक्स्ट:
नई दिल्ली।। झारखंड के मुख्यमंत्री शिबू सोरेन ने संसद में कटौती प्रस्ताव के दौरान सरकार के पक्ष में वोट
देकर सियासी भूचाल ला दिया है। सोरेन की इस सियासी चाल से नाराज बीपेजी ने शिबू सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लेने की घोषणा कर दी है। बीजेपी ने यह फैसला संसदीय समिति की बैठक में किया। बीजेपी बुधवार को ही रांची में राज्यपाल से मिलकर उन्हें सोरेन सरकार से समर्थन वापस लेने संबंधी पत्र सौंप देगी। संसदीय समिति की बैठक के बाद बीजेपी के सीनियर नेता अंतत कुमार ने इसकी जानकारी दी।
दूसरी ओर झारखंड की इस राजनीतिक घटनाक्रम पर खुलकर कुछ भी कहने से कांग्रेस बच रही है। बीजेपी की समर्थन वापसी की घोषणा पर कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता अभिषेक मनु सिंघवी ने कहा कि अभी इस मसले पर कुछ भी नहीं कहा जा सकता है। दोनों पार्टियां मिल बैठकर निर्णय लेंगी।
इस मुद्दे पर बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार बीजेपी के साथ नजर आए। नीतीश ने कहा कि शिबू सोरेन ने गलत काम किया है और बीजेपी को समर्थन वापस लेना ही चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा कि यह कैसे संभव है कि राज्य में आप किसी और का समर्थन करें और केंद्र में किसी और का।
गौरतलब है कि मुख्यमंत्री शिबू सोरेन ने संसद में कटौती प्रस्ताव के दौरान यूपीए सरकार के पक्ष में वोट दिया था। इसके बाद ही तमाम तरह की अटकलें लगाई जा रही थीं।
राजनीतिक हलकों में यह भी चर्चा है कि शिबू के खिलाफ चल रहे मामले का डर दिखाकर यूपीए सरकार ने उन्हें अपने पक्ष में वोट डालने के लिए मजबूर किया, जबकि कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि शिबू को राज्य में बीजेपी नेताओं का हस्तक्षेप सहन नहीं हो रहा था, इसलिए उन्होंने यूपीए से हाथ मिला लिया है। यह भी कहा जा रहा है कि यूपीए ने शिबू को केंद्र सरकार में जगह देने का भरोसा दिया है साथ ही यह भी कहा है कि वह कांग्रेस और चुनाव में उसके सहयोगी रहे झारखंड विकास मोर्चा को साथ लेकर राज्य में सरकार का गठन करें और अपने पुत्र हेमंत सोरेन को उपमुख्यमंत्री बना दें। झारखंड की 81 सदस्यीय विधानसभा में कांग्रेस के 14, झारखंड विकास मोर्चा के 11 और शिबू के 18 विधायक हैं।लोकसभा में सरकार के खिलाफ कटौती प्रस्ताव के विरोध में मतदान करने के बाद झारखंड मुक्ति मोर्चा ने हालात संभालने के इरादे से पहल करते हुए कहा कि सरकार के पक्ष में मतदान गलती से हुआ और झारखंड में कांग्रेस के साथ मिलकर सरकार बनाने की कोई योजना नहीं है।
हालांकि, शिबू सोरेन के पुत्र हेमंत सोरेन ने कहा था कि मतदान गलती से हुआ। यह मानवीय भूल है जो मतदान के दौरान पैदा हुए भ्रम के चलते हुई। हमने मंगलवार रात ही बीजेपी अध्यक्ष नितिन गडकरी से भेंट कर उनके समक्ष स्थिति स्पष्ट कर दी है।
NEW DELHI: Calling Jharkhand Chief Minister Shibu Soren's action of voting with the government in Lok Sabha an "act of betrayal", BJP on Wednesday wit
NEW DELHI: Calling Jharkhand Chief Minister Shibu Soren's action of voting with the government in Lok Sabha an "act of betrayal", BJP on Wednesday withdrew its support to the JMM government in Jharkhand.
The decision was taken in the party’s parliamentary board meeting which had been convened to discuss the future of ties with JMM in Jharkhand.
Senior party leaders had earlier said that BJP had taken very serious note of Soren's action and is not buying the explanation given by Soren's son Hemant that it has happened by mistake even as the Chief Minister wondered "what difference will it (his vote) make".
"The voting in favour of UPA by Soren is an act of betrayal. The manner in which he has voted is a betrayal of coalition dharma. We have taken it very seriously. Senior party leaders will take a call on it," senior BJP leader Prakash Javdekar said.
Another party leader Venkaiah Naidu had echoed similar views saying "it's a clear betrayal".
"You can't be heading a government with the support of BJP, be in opposition and at the same time, support the ruling party at the Centre. It is not acceptable. On what to do the party will meet and discuss. It is a serious issue," he said.
Naidu also refused to buy the explanation given by Hemant Soren on the issue that his father voted for UPA in a mistake.
Senior party leader from Jharkhand Yashwant Sinha said, "He (Soren) is there (on the Chief Minister's chair) in Jharkhand with our support. Therefore, the least that was expected of him that he would not go to this stage. He could have stayed neutral."
Soren had a meeting with BJP president Nitin Gadkari last night where his decision not to vote with the BJP came up for discussion.
The decision was taken in the party’s parliamentary board meeting which had been convened to discuss the future of ties with JMM in Jharkhand.
Senior party leaders had earlier said that BJP had taken very serious note of Soren's action and is not buying the explanation given by Soren's son Hemant that it has happened by mistake even as the Chief Minister wondered "what difference will it (his vote) make".
"The voting in favour of UPA by Soren is an act of betrayal. The manner in which he has voted is a betrayal of coalition dharma. We have taken it very seriously. Senior party leaders will take a call on it," senior BJP leader Prakash Javdekar said.
Another party leader Venkaiah Naidu had echoed similar views saying "it's a clear betrayal".
"You can't be heading a government with the support of BJP, be in opposition and at the same time, support the ruling party at the Centre. It is not acceptable. On what to do the party will meet and discuss. It is a serious issue," he said.
Naidu also refused to buy the explanation given by Hemant Soren on the issue that his father voted for UPA in a mistake.
Senior party leader from Jharkhand Yashwant Sinha said, "He (Soren) is there (on the Chief Minister's chair) in Jharkhand with our support. Therefore, the least that was expected of him that he would not go to this stage. He could have stayed neutral."
Soren had a meeting with BJP president Nitin Gadkari last night where his decision not to vote with the BJP came up for discussion.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
BHUBANESWAR, 24th APR (visakeo) : Biswa Dharma Surakhya Committee started a move in Puri to oppose un-asthetical use of photos of Hindu God & goddess on different items, commodities. The organisation lead by some intellectuals of Puri town starts a campaign to create awareness among all, to oppose such use of photos. The leaders told that photos of deities including Lord Jagannath were used in commercials purpose & for advt in covers of variety of products available in market. Such commodities were thrown here & there after use, gone to dustbin. It hurts sentiments of peoples no of times, which the manufacturer compny never takes care. To stop such act they started such movement. The committee lodged a complaint in Sri Mandir police statio, meet to the collector & SP. Also the Sri Mandir sebayats supported this movement.
BHUBANESWAR, 24th APR (visakeo) : Biswa Dharma Surakhya Committee started a move in Puri to oppose un-asthetical use of photos of Hindu God & goddess on different items, commodities. The organisation lead by some intellectuals of Puri town starts a campaign to create awareness among all, to oppose such use of photos. The leaders told that photos of deities including Lord Jagannath were used in commercials purpose & for advt in covers of variety of products available in market. Such commodities were thrown here & there after use, gone to dustbin. It hurts sentiments of peoples no of times, which the manufacturer compny never takes care. To stop such act they started such movement. The committee lodged a complaint in Sri Mandir police statio, meet to the collector & SP. Also the Sri Mandir sebayats supported this movement.
BHUBANESWAR, 24th APR (visakeo): Tension mounts over attempt to construct a girza in Pattasala village in Saba Gram Panchayat, P.S-Badagada, Dist-Ganjam. The christians attempts to construct a village church on a controversial land owned by Prakash Chandra Mallick of that village saying that they purchased the land. As it is false so Hindus oppose this move of christians & stage a demo infront of Badagada Police Station. Bajarang Dal members joined them & alleged that it is a move to conversion.When the situation moves towards critical Bhanjanagar sub-collector, Aska SDPO, Ghumusar DFO intervene in the matter & discussed with both the parties. Finally it was decided that the Girza will be constructed on another place. Then the villagers pacified & withdraw their agitation.
BHUBANESWAR, 24th APR (visakeo): Tension mounts over attempt to construct a girza in Pattasala village in Saba Gram Panchayat, P.S-Badagada, Dist-Ganjam. The christians attempts to construct a village church on a controversial land owned by Prakash Chandra Mallick of that village saying that they purchased the land. As it is false so Hindus oppose this move of christians & stage a demo infront of Badagada Police Station. Bajarang Dal members joined them & alleged that it is a move to conversion.When the situation moves towards critical Bhanjanagar sub-collector, Aska SDPO, Ghumusar DFO intervene in the matter & discussed with both the parties. Finally it was decided that the Girza will be constructed on another place. Then the villagers pacified & withdraw their agitation.
Friday, April 23, 2010
BHUBANESWAR, 23th APR (VISAKEO): Nabin Pattanaik govt is anti-hindu. C.M Nabin make it possible what the Britishers failed to do. The conspiracy to hand over the land of Lord Jagannath to Bedanta company will opposed, told Subash Chouhan, National asst-secretary of Bajrang Dal. He was addressing a pressmeet at Amar Bhavan, Rourkela today. He also told that it was clear from Lokpal's decission that the main character behind this controversy is no other than C.M. himself. Now when the corruption came out in public he tries to restrict the media which equals the Emergency period situation. The Govt must stop the process, otherwise Bajrang Karmi (members) will be on road to protest it, Subash Chouhan told.
BHUBANESWAR, 23th APR (VISAKEO): Nabin Pattanaik govt is anti-hindu. C.M Nabin make it possible what the Britishers failed to do. The conspiracy to hand over the land of Lord Jagannath to Bedanta company will opposed, told Subash Chouhan, National asst-secretary of Bajrang Dal. He was addressing a pressmeet at Amar Bhavan, Rourkela today. He also told that it was clear from Lokpal's decission that the main character behind this controversy is no other than C.M. himself. Now when the corruption came out in public he tries to restrict the media which equals the Emergency period situation. The Govt must stop the process, otherwise Bajrang Karmi (members) will be on road to protest it, Subash Chouhan told.
BHUBANESWAR, 23RD APR (VISAKEO): Immediate arrest of accused involved in attack on journalists demanded. The journalists rush to cover the student agitation in Silicon Institue of Technology on Thursday late-night were attacked by the staff of the institue. A no of journalists were seriously injured when the college staff attacked the media persons with stick, iron rod & broke their cameras. The incident occured when a student dies because of food poisioning & other students started agitation. Journalists body Media Unity for Freedom of Press (MUFP) demanded immediate arrest of the culprits. On Friday a team of journalists in a rally went to the Commissioner of Police's office and handed over a letter in this regard.
BHUBANESWAR, 23RD APR (VISAKEO): Immediate arrest of accused involved in attack on journalists demanded. The journalists rush to cover the student agitation in Silicon Institue of Technology on Thursday late-night were attacked by the staff of the institue. A no of journalists were seriously injured when the college staff attacked the media persons with stick, iron rod & broke their cameras. The incident occured when a student dies because of food poisioning & other students started agitation. Journalists body Media Unity for Freedom of Press (MUFP) demanded immediate arrest of the culprits. On Friday a team of journalists in a rally went to the Commissioner of Police's office and handed over a letter in this regard.
BHUBANESWAR, 23th APR (visakeo): 45 people of 20 family were made Christian from Hindu in Jinjali village in Koshagumuda block.Christian Protestant was behind this conversion on 18th April. A large no of people gathered at the Dubon programme organised by the group & the conversion took place without the permission of district administration. So it is clear that the Paster Karas who workout this is defying the law. It creates tension in that area particularly among Hindus. After informed by the localites, Kodinga Tahasildar ordered Bonjali revenue inspector to enquire about it. Even the tahasildar told that he will take action if the conversion was un-lawful.. Such things happened again & again because of the in-activeness of the state government against conversion, alleged & criticised senior seduled caste leader Gobardhan Behera of there. After this incident an emergency meeting of Viswa Hindu Parisad called to protest this conversion.
BHUBANESWAR, 23th APR (visakeo): 45 people of 20 family were made Christian from Hindu in Jinjali village in Koshagumuda block.Christian Protestant was behind this conversion on 18th April. A large no of people gathered at the Dubon programme organised by the group & the conversion took place without the permission of district administration. So it is clear that the Paster Karas who workout this is defying the law. It creates tension in that area particularly among Hindus. After informed by the localites, Kodinga Tahasildar ordered Bonjali revenue inspector to enquire about it. Even the tahasildar told that he will take action if the conversion was un-lawful.. Such things happened again & again because of the in-activeness of the state government against conversion, alleged & criticised senior seduled caste leader Gobardhan Behera of there. After this incident an emergency meeting of Viswa Hindu Parisad called to protest this conversion.
BHUBANESWAR, 23th APR (Visakeo): First IFS topper became an odia youth Sangram Behera from Brahmapur. Now its turn for IES (Indian Engineering Service) topper. This too gone to an odia youth from Rayagada named Pritiraj Panigrahy. Presently working as a depo manager in BPCL, Pritiraj prepared for IES & get the no-1 place in the all India exam.The son of Bikram Panigrahy (math lecture in Rayagada Auto college) & Mira Rani (Head Mistress in an u.p. school Rayagada) achieved 2gold medals while persuing B.Tech from Warangal NI, Andhra Pradesh. Now he targets for IAS (topper), told to media. Again this proved the strength of youths in our state.
BHUBANESWAR, 23th APR (Visakeo): First IFS topper became an odia youth Sangram Behera from Brahmapur. Now its turn for IES (Indian Engineering Service) topper. This too gone to an odia youth from Rayagada named Pritiraj Panigrahy. Presently working as a depo manager in BPCL, Pritiraj prepared for IES & get the no-1 place in the all India exam.The son of Bikram Panigrahy (math lecture in Rayagada Auto college) & Mira Rani (Head Mistress in an u.p. school Rayagada) achieved 2gold medals while persuing B.Tech from Warangal NI, Andhra Pradesh. Now he targets for IAS (topper), told to media. Again this proved the strength of youths in our state.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
BHUBANESWAR, 19th APR (visakeo): The MOU signed between the Govt of Odisha & Vedanta company needs to cancelled immediately & the land given to Anil Agrawal must be returned without wasting any time. Centre needs to interfere in the matter to return the Amrut Manohi land of Lord Jagannath. According to the order of Odisha Lokpal all concerned & guilty officers & ministers must be punished. Also the centre can make a vigilance enquiry. By direct interference of P.M only the large scale destruction of agricultural land can be saved & also the sentiments of people of Odisha will be remain unhurt. Swadeshi Jagaran Manch presented a memorandum in this regard to P.M. yesterday at New Delhi.
In opposing to the proposed Vedanta university on Monday Swadeshi Jagaran Manch & Vedanta BiswaBidyalya Birodhi Sangharsa Samiti staged a large scale demonstration before parliament. In this demo. no of intellectuals, envirnomentalists, socialists & senior politicians joined. Advisor of Sangharsa Samiti Uma Ballabh Rath told that in io way any land of Lord Jagannath will be left to Vedanta. All India organising secretary of Jagaran Manch Kashmir Lalaji told how the company acquired thousands of land in the real estate way in the name of establishing an university & by showing false illustration to all. X-organising secretary Muralidhar Rao requested P.M. to direct intervene in this matter. BJP national general secretary Dharmendra Pradhan demanded the resignation of C.M. Nabin Pattanaik as the Lokpal brings him in doubt in this matter. A large no of activists of Jagaran Manch, supporters from allover the country, more than 200 people from Baisi Mouja in Puri joined in this programme.
BHUBANESWAR, 19th APR (visakeo): The MOU signed between the Govt of Odisha & Vedanta company needs to cancelled immediately & the land given to Anil Agrawal must be returned without wasting any time. Centre needs to interfere in the matter to return the Amrut Manohi land of Lord Jagannath. According to the order of Odisha Lokpal all concerned & guilty officers & ministers must be punished. Also the centre can make a vigilance enquiry. By direct interference of P.M only the large scale destruction of agricultural land can be saved & also the sentiments of people of Odisha will be remain unhurt. Swadeshi Jagaran Manch presented a memorandum in this regard to P.M. yesterday at New Delhi.
In opposing to the proposed Vedanta university on Monday Swadeshi Jagaran Manch & Vedanta BiswaBidyalya Birodhi Sangharsa Samiti staged a large scale demonstration before parliament. In this demo. no of intellectuals, envirnomentalists, socialists & senior politicians joined. Advisor of Sangharsa Samiti Uma Ballabh Rath told that in io way any land of Lord Jagannath will be left to Vedanta. All India organising secretary of Jagaran Manch Kashmir Lalaji told how the company acquired thousands of land in the real estate way in the name of establishing an university & by showing false illustration to all. X-organising secretary Muralidhar Rao requested P.M. to direct intervene in this matter. BJP national general secretary Dharmendra Pradhan demanded the resignation of C.M. Nabin Pattanaik as the Lokpal brings him in doubt in this matter. A large no of activists of Jagaran Manch, supporters from allover the country, more than 200 people from Baisi Mouja in Puri joined in this programme.
Monday, April 19, 2010
BHUBANESWAR (visakeo): Sangram Behera from Aaina Bandh street, Brahmapur, Ganjam district in Odisha became the IFS (Indian Forest Service) topper-2010. It is another success story of how a youth from a lower income group family can achieve great success & can make history of its own kind. Sangram's father Niranjan Behera runs a small pan shop. Because of proverty his 2 sisters left studies earlier. But Sangram makes it success because of his great desire for studies.His achievement brings cheer in his family as well as it brings proud to all Odias. It is also 1st kind of such success in the history of BrahmapurUniversity.
BHUBANESWAR (visakeo): Sangram Behera from Aaina Bandh street, Brahmapur, Ganjam district in Odisha became the IFS (Indian Forest Service) topper-2010. It is another success story of how a youth from a lower income group family can achieve great success & can make history of its own kind. Sangram's father Niranjan Behera runs a small pan shop. Because of proverty his 2 sisters left studies earlier. But Sangram makes it success because of his great desire for studies.His achievement brings cheer in his family as well as it brings proud to all Odias. It is also 1st kind of such success in the history of BrahmapurUniversity.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
BHUBANESWAR, 14th APR (visakeo): The members of Rashtriya Swayamsebaka Sangha joined hands with temple administration in Ghatagaon on the occassion of Maha Bishuba Sankranti. They helped in giving seba to devotees, provided water to them, made arrangements for their rest & safe-peaceful Darshan of Godess Tarini, helped police in traffic & crowd contol. Today thousand & thousands of devotees came to temple from different part of the state. Earlier the temple authority requested the local Karyakartas of sangha to do so. People praised the effort of SwayamSebaks.
BHUBANESWAR, 14th APR (visakeo): The Odia Naba Barsha/ Bishuba Sankraanti/Panaa Sankraanti/ Hanuman Jayanti observed all over the state today in a large scale with a prosporous manner. Devotees make Darshan to Lord Hanuman & worship deities in a large number. Also they greet each other on this ospicious occassion. Today the 13 or 21 day long Danda Yatra & the month long Jhamu Yatra ended. The Dandua's concluded their hard worship after a special puja perfomed at Goddess Kali at different places. Also they performed Dhuli Danda, Paani Danda & other cermonies for last time in this season today. The Pata Dandua performed Agni Danda by hanging above Yagna fire infront of goddess. Devotees also worshiped Goddess Jhamu in a special manner today during concluding ceremony. People distribute Bela Panaa/ Nabata Panaa to other. Mass Hanuman Chalisa Patha programmes were hold all over. Number of cultural programmes/devotional programmes/ prabachan/bhajan sandhya organised. In Bhubaneswar no of artists welcomed Odia Naba Barsha with paint brush & canvas. They united & create paintings of varieties on this occassion. Prerana observed Odisha Mahotsav where no of politicians & actress gathered to celebrate this day.
In Sambalpur a mass rally organised by Hindu organisations on Hanuman Jayanti. The Akhadas joined in this rally where the large statue of Lord Hanuman travelled in different parts of town, including nearby Muslim Bastis. Youths performed Badi Khela & malla Yudha tricks on this occassions. Police made strict arrangements to avoid any odd-happening.
In Puri special spiritual ceremonies held at Sri Mandir. Spl puja made to worship God Hanuman in Byayam Kendras & started the new year of education of Malla Yudha. Also in Brahmapur puja & yagnas held in different physical clubs.
BHUBANESWAR, 14th APR (visakeo): The members of Rashtriya Swayamsebaka Sangha joined hands with temple administration in Ghatagaon on the occassion of Maha Bishuba Sankranti. They helped in giving seba to devotees, provided water to them, made arrangements for their rest & safe-peaceful Darshan of Godess Tarini, helped police in traffic & crowd contol. Today thousand & thousands of devotees came to temple from different part of the state. Earlier the temple authority requested the local Karyakartas of sangha to do so. People praised the effort of SwayamSebaks.
BHUBANESWAR, 14th APR (visakeo): The Odia Naba Barsha/ Bishuba Sankraanti/Panaa Sankraanti/ Hanuman Jayanti observed all over the state today in a large scale with a prosporous manner. Devotees make Darshan to Lord Hanuman & worship deities in a large number. Also they greet each other on this ospicious occassion. Today the 13 or 21 day long Danda Yatra & the month long Jhamu Yatra ended. The Dandua's concluded their hard worship after a special puja perfomed at Goddess Kali at different places. Also they performed Dhuli Danda, Paani Danda & other cermonies for last time in this season today. The Pata Dandua performed Agni Danda by hanging above Yagna fire infront of goddess. Devotees also worshiped Goddess Jhamu in a special manner today during concluding ceremony. People distribute Bela Panaa/ Nabata Panaa to other. Mass Hanuman Chalisa Patha programmes were hold all over. Number of cultural programmes/devotional programmes/ prabachan/bhajan sandhya organised. In Bhubaneswar no of artists welcomed Odia Naba Barsha with paint brush & canvas. They united & create paintings of varieties on this occassion. Prerana observed Odisha Mahotsav where no of politicians & actress gathered to celebrate this day.
In Sambalpur a mass rally organised by Hindu organisations on Hanuman Jayanti. The Akhadas joined in this rally where the large statue of Lord Hanuman travelled in different parts of town, including nearby Muslim Bastis. Youths performed Badi Khela & malla Yudha tricks on this occassions. Police made strict arrangements to avoid any odd-happening.
In Puri special spiritual ceremonies held at Sri Mandir. Spl puja made to worship God Hanuman in Byayam Kendras & started the new year of education of Malla Yudha. Also in Brahmapur puja & yagnas held in different physical clubs.
Monday, April 12, 2010
In Orissa, a village of Sanskrit pundits
Bhubaneswar(visakeo)-Sanskrit may have ceased to be spoken by people, but there is a remote
village in this coastal district of Orissa where every home has a pundit
of the ancient language.
Sasana village in the Shyamsundar gram panchayat area is almost an
anachronism in today's culture which no longer takes pride in mastering
the language which, along with Latin, was once the two most dominant
languages in the world.
The village, inhabited almost fully by Brahmins, has a little over 32
households with 200-odd members. In all the households one will come
across Sanskrit pundits employed in government-run Sanskrit-medium
educational institutions.
"We are proud patrons of Sanskrit. The ancient language is very much
alive at the village, 76-year-old Baishnav Charan Pati, a Sanskrit
pundit who has retired from his teaching job, said.
Pati said that they made sure for generations that at least one child in
every household had been taught in the Sanskrit medium of education.
"Most of the Sanskrit-educated residents have found employment either in
government schools or have taken up career as priests to preside over
Hindu ceremonies,'' Pati said.
Take the case of Pundit Trilochan Sadangi. Both his sons and daughter
are Sanskrit-educated and are teaching the language in government-run
"By encouraging our children to learn Sanskrit, we are trying to revive
the language. We are largely successful till now and we earnestly hope
that our future generations will keep the tradition alive,'' Pati said
with a tinge of pride.
The village's fascination for Sanskrit has not come from the blue, but
rather flowed from its rich tradition in Sanskrit learning.
A nearby village Babkarpur has the presence of a miniature temple
dedicated to the great poet Kalidasa, author of 'Abhigyana Shakuntalam'
and many other classics, which tells eloquently of the region's love for
the things Sanskrit.
village in this coastal district of Orissa where every home has a pundit
of the ancient language.
Sasana village in the Shyamsundar gram panchayat area is almost an
anachronism in today's culture which no longer takes pride in mastering
the language which, along with Latin, was once the two most dominant
languages in the world.
The village, inhabited almost fully by Brahmins, has a little over 32
households with 200-odd members. In all the households one will come
across Sanskrit pundits employed in government-run Sanskrit-medium
educational institutions.
"We are proud patrons of Sanskrit. The ancient language is very much
alive at the village, 76-year-old Baishnav Charan Pati, a Sanskrit
pundit who has retired from his teaching job, said.
Pati said that they made sure for generations that at least one child in
every household had been taught in the Sanskrit medium of education.
"Most of the Sanskrit-educated residents have found employment either in
government schools or have taken up career as priests to preside over
Hindu ceremonies,'' Pati said.
Take the case of Pundit Trilochan Sadangi. Both his sons and daughter
are Sanskrit-educated and are teaching the language in government-run
"By encouraging our children to learn Sanskrit, we are trying to revive
the language. We are largely successful till now and we earnestly hope
that our future generations will keep the tradition alive,'' Pati said
with a tinge of pride.
The village's fascination for Sanskrit has not come from the blue, but
rather flowed from its rich tradition in Sanskrit learning.
A nearby village Babkarpur has the presence of a miniature temple
dedicated to the great poet Kalidasa, author of 'Abhigyana Shakuntalam'
and many other classics, which tells eloquently of the region's love for
the things Sanskrit.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
SAMBALPUR (visakeo): Three peoples were arrested by Dhanupalli police in Sambalpur district in connection with cow slaughter case. Last sunday when administration evacuted the room where cows are killed (kansei-khana) some reporters were attacked by the miscreants who are involved in running the place. Opposing this incident Bajarang Dal, Viswa Hindu Parisad & Hanuman Jayanti Samanwa Samiti observed 12 hr Chakka Jam. Sambalpur District Journalist Union also criticised this whole incident.Police arrested Shekh Raju (Wajid), Shekh Kissan & Pritam Behera and forwarded them to the court.
SAMBALPUR (visakeo): Three peoples were arrested by Dhanupalli police in Sambalpur district in connection with cow slaughter case. Last sunday when administration evacuted the room where cows are killed (kansei-khana) some reporters were attacked by the miscreants who are involved in running the place. Opposing this incident Bajarang Dal, Viswa Hindu Parisad & Hanuman Jayanti Samanwa Samiti observed 12 hr Chakka Jam. Sambalpur District Journalist Union also criticised this whole incident.Police arrested Shekh Raju (Wajid), Shekh Kissan & Pritam Behera and forwarded them to the court.
BHUBANESWAR, (visakeo) 7th APR: The 2011 census started today in Odisha today. On the 1st day census officers collected information from Chief Minister Nabin Pattanaik, Governor Murali Dhar Chandrakant Bhandare & Puri Gajapati Dibya Singh Deo. The census started National level on 1st April with informations collected from President & Prime Minister. For the 1st time in this census information will be collected about the residence, house & its ownership along with no of family members, bank account, mobile use & other informations. With the help of all these informations collected in this Census the unique Identity code will be given to the citizens of our nation & by the end of next year special I-cards also will be given. However there is a concern that taking the fault rules of this census, the illegal BanglaDeshi intruders may became the legal citizens of India with getting special Identity code & card in any way.
SAMBALPUR (visakeo): Three peoples were arrested by Dhanupalli police in Sambalpur district in connection with cow slaughter case. Last sunday when administration evacuted the room where cows are killed (kansei-khana) some reporters were attacked by the miscreants who are involved in running the place. Opposing this incident Bajarang Dal, Viswa Hindu Parisad & Hanuman Jayanti Samanwa Samiti observed 12 hr Chakka Jam. Sambalpur District Journalist Union also criticised this whole incident.Police arrested Shekh Raju (Wajid), Shekh Kissan & Pritam Behera and forwarded them to the court.
BHUBANESWAR, (visakeo) 7th APR: The 2011 census started today in Odisha today. On the 1st day census officers collected information from Chief Minister Nabin Pattanaik, Governor Murali Dhar Chandrakant Bhandare & Puri Gajapati Dibya Singh Deo. The census started National level on 1st April with informations collected from President & Prime Minister. For the 1st time in this census information will be collected about the residence, house & its ownership along with no of family members, bank account, mobile use & other informations. With the help of all these informations collected in this Census the unique Identity code will be given to the citizens of our nation & by the end of next year special I-cards also will be given. However there is a concern that taking the fault rules of this census, the illegal BanglaDeshi intruders may became the legal citizens of India with getting special Identity code & card in any way.
SAMBALPUR (visakeo): Three peoples were arrested by Dhanupalli police in Sambalpur district in connection with cow slaughter case. Last sunday when administration evacuted the room where cows are killed (kansei-khana) some reporters were attacked by the miscreants who are involved in running the place. Opposing this incident Bajarang Dal, Viswa Hindu Parisad & Hanuman Jayanti Samanwa Samiti observed 12 hr Chakka Jam. Sambalpur District Journalist Union also criticised this whole incident.Police arrested Shekh Raju (Wajid), Shekh Kissan & Pritam Behera and forwarded them to the court.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
BHUBANESWAR, (visakeo) 6th APR: Tension mounts after a cow slaughter incident fall out in Baliguda in Kandhamal district.7 youths killed a cow near the Landa Gram Panchayat office in Baliguda block.They drimk wine in a nearby MadaBahti & eat the beef there. When the incident cameout public a tense situation raises there. They through the rest of the beef in the nearby Khadga river. So the local people face problem to use the river water. If the culprits will not surrender in the police station soon, then action will be taken, Go-Rakhya Samiti threatened against the incident.
BHUBANESWAR, (visakeo) 6th APR: Tension mounts after a cow slaughter incident fall out in Baliguda in Kandhamal district.7 youths killed a cow near the Landa Gram Panchayat office in Baliguda block.They drimk wine in a nearby MadaBahti & eat the beef there. When the incident cameout public a tense situation raises there. They through the rest of the beef in the nearby Khadga river. So the local people face problem to use the river water. If the culprits will not surrender in the police station soon, then action will be taken, Go-Rakhya Samiti threatened against the incident.
BHUBANESWAR, (visakeo) 6th APR: Hindu girls are tortured by the students of another community in a kanyashram in Jamuranda, Umarkote. Such an allegation came from, Nabarangpur district. 475 students are studying in that Kanyashram.But the Hindu students are tourtured, forced to sing the song of other religion & even told to change the religion by the students of other community in the Kanyashram.The HeadMistress also agreed on this allegation & told that precaution steps are taken to solve the problem.
BHUBANESWAR, (visakeo) 6th APR: Hindu girls are tortured by the students of another community in a kanyashram in Jamuranda, Umarkote. Such an allegation came from, Nabarangpur district. 475 students are studying in that Kanyashram.But the Hindu students are tourtured, forced to sing the song of other religion & even told to change the religion by the students of other community in the Kanyashram.The HeadMistress also agreed on this allegation & told that precaution steps are taken to solve the problem.
BHUBANESWAR,(visakeo) 6th APR: The Sankalp Yatra against proposed Bedanta university ends yesterday before Singha Dwara at Puri.The rally headed by Sangharsa Samiti advisor & ex-MLA Umaballav Rath reaches before SriMandir in the evening.A no of people giving slogans against Govt joined & gathered there.They holds banners & placards in hand against Bedanta.They demanded Bedanta Hatao- Puri Bachao, Stop illegal acquiring of land in the name of university establishment & to make vigilance enquiry of illegal transfer of lord Jagannath's AmrutManohi land. There a mass lightening programme was held. A no of eminent people from Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, BJP, Bedanta Birodhi Sangharsa Samiti were present on this occassion. Also they demanded resignation of CM Nabin Pattanaik as it was proved from the orders of Lokpal that the Govt is favouring to such a Pvt company unnecessarily & to cancel the MOU with the company.
BHUBANESWAR,(visakeo) 6th APR: The Sankalp Yatra against proposed Bedanta university ends yesterday before Singha Dwara at Puri.The rally headed by Sangharsa Samiti advisor & ex-MLA Umaballav Rath reaches before SriMandir in the evening.A no of people giving slogans against Govt joined & gathered there.They holds banners & placards in hand against Bedanta.They demanded Bedanta Hatao- Puri Bachao, Stop illegal acquiring of land in the name of university establishment & to make vigilance enquiry of illegal transfer of lord Jagannath's AmrutManohi land. There a mass lightening programme was held. A no of eminent people from Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, BJP, Bedanta Birodhi Sangharsa Samiti were present on this occassion. Also they demanded resignation of CM Nabin Pattanaik as it was proved from the orders of Lokpal that the Govt is favouring to such a Pvt company unnecessarily & to cancel the MOU with the company.
Dr Govinda Sharma elected as chairman of Vidya Bharati
Dr Govinda Sharma elected as chairman of Vidya Bharati
Dr Govinda Sharma elected as chairman of Vidya Bharati
BHUBANESWAR,(visakeo) 5th APR: Dr Govinda Prasad Sharma is elected as chairman of Vidya Bharati. National executive election of Vidya Bharati was held today at Cuttack on the closing occassion of 3days meeting. Dr Sharma was the former vice-president of Vidya Bharati. P.Ramakrushna Rao, Binod Khaitan, B P Khandelwal, and Dr Renu Mathur elected as vice-chairman , Narendra Jeet Singh Rawal as General Secretary ,Sriram Orarkar,Abhinit Bhatnagar, Dilip Betkekar and Anima Sharma as Secretary, Prasad Chandra Gupta as Organising Secretary ,Jatindra Sharma, G.M. Kashipati as Deputy Organising Secretary , Jainapal Jain as Treasurer and Brahmadev Sharma as adviser of Vidya Bharati. An educationist from each state are included in the national executive. The national conference was convened from 3rd April to 5th April 2010 at Keshab Dham, Gatirout Patna , Cuttack
In the closing ceremony Dr Sharma presided over the meeting. International chief of Kriyayoga Ashram Pragyannandaji Maharaj and RSS Saha-Sara Karyabaha Dattatreya Hoswale also spoke on the occasion.
Dr Govinda Sharma elected as chairman of Vidya Bharati
BHUBANESWAR,(visakeo) 5th APR: Dr Govinda Prasad Sharma is elected as chairman of Vidya Bharati. National executive election of Vidya Bharati was held today at Cuttack on the closing occassion of 3days meeting. Dr Sharma was the former vice-president of Vidya Bharati. P.Ramakrushna Rao, Binod Khaitan, B P Khandelwal, and Dr Renu Mathur elected as vice-chairman , Narendra Jeet Singh Rawal as General Secretary ,Sriram Orarkar,Abhinit Bhatnagar, Dilip Betkekar and Anima Sharma as Secretary, Prasad Chandra Gupta as Organising Secretary ,Jatindra Sharma, G.M. Kashipati as Deputy Organising Secretary , Jainapal Jain as Treasurer and Brahmadev Sharma as adviser of Vidya Bharati. An educationist from each state are included in the national executive. The national conference was convened from 3rd April to 5th April 2010 at Keshab Dham, Gatirout Patna , Cuttack
In the closing ceremony Dr Sharma presided over the meeting. International chief of Kriyayoga Ashram Pragyannandaji Maharaj and RSS Saha-Sara Karyabaha Dattatreya Hoswale also spoke on the occasion.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Dr Govinda Sharma elected as chairman of Bidya Bharati
Dr Govinda Sharma elected as chairman of Bidya Bharati
BHUBANESWAR,(visakeo) 5th APR: Dr Govinda Prasad Sharma is now the new national chairman of Bidya Bharati. National executive election of Bidya Bharati. was held today ay Cuttack on the closing occassion of 3day national conference. Dr Sharma was the former vice-president of the organisation. P.Ramakrushna Rao, Binod Khaitan, B P Khandelwal, Dr Renu Mathur became the vice-chairman while Narendra Jeet Singh Rawal elected as MahaMantri or General secretary of the organisation. There is an educationist member from each state in the national executive. The national conference was started on 3rd April at Keshab Dham, GatiroutPatna, Cuttack.
Dr Sharma presided in the closing ceremony. International chief of Kriyoga Ashram Pragyannandji Maharaj deliver the speech. RSS Saha-Sara Karyabaha Duttatreya Hoswale was the chief speaker. He told that the students came out from the school of Bidya Bharati joined in the source of patriotism to make their nation prosporous in the world.
BHUBANESWAR,(visakeo) 5th APR: Dr Govinda Prasad Sharma is now the new national chairman of Bidya Bharati. National executive election of Bidya Bharati. was held today ay Cuttack on the closing occassion of 3day national conference. Dr Sharma was the former vice-president of the organisation. P.Ramakrushna Rao, Binod Khaitan, B P Khandelwal, Dr Renu Mathur became the vice-chairman while Narendra Jeet Singh Rawal elected as MahaMantri or General secretary of the organisation. There is an educationist member from each state in the national executive. The national conference was started on 3rd April at Keshab Dham, GatiroutPatna, Cuttack.
Dr Sharma presided in the closing ceremony. International chief of Kriyoga Ashram Pragyannandji Maharaj deliver the speech. RSS Saha-Sara Karyabaha Duttatreya Hoswale was the chief speaker. He told that the students came out from the school of Bidya Bharati joined in the source of patriotism to make their nation prosporous in the world.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
BHUBANESWAR(visakeo)-4th APR: Naxals strike police & security personnel again before the green hunt operation started. This time they targeted a bus carrying SOG men in Koraput district today. In this landmine blast more than 10 security personnel were killed and a no of securitymen injured. This incident occured at about 14 km from Baipariguda town when a group of the state's Special Operation Group were going in three vehicles. It is expected that the casuality may go up. Last week naxals striked a patrolling party of policemen in Gajapati district. 3 jawans were killed in firing by naxals & 5 policemen were seriously injured.
BHUBANESWAR(visakeo)-4th APR: Naxals strike police & security personnel again before the green hunt operation started. This time they targeted a bus carrying SOG men in Koraput district today. In this landmine blast more than 10 security personnel were killed and a no of securitymen injured. This incident occured at about 14 km from Baipariguda town when a group of the state's Special Operation Group were going in three vehicles. It is expected that the casuality may go up. Last week naxals striked a patrolling party of policemen in Gajapati district. 3 jawans were killed in firing by naxals & 5 policemen were seriously injured.
उड़ीसा में विस्फोट, 10 सुरक्षाकर्मी मारे गए
भुवनेश्वर।।(visakeo) उड़ीसा के कोरापुट जिले में रविवार को नक्सलियों द्वारा पुलिस की एक बस को बारूदी सुरंग से नि
शाना बनाए जाने से 10 सुरक्षाकर्मी शहीद हो गए और 3 घायल हो गए।
पुलिस डीआईजी संजीब पांडा ने बताया कि नक्सलियों ने बायपारीगुडा कसबे से 14 किलोमीटर दूर उस समय एक बारूदी सुरंग विस्फोट किया जब बड़ी संख्या में विशेष अभियान समूह (एसओजी) के सुरक्षाकर्मी 3 वाहनों में सवार होकर वहां से गुजर रहे थे।
पांडा ने बताया कि नक्सलियों ने एक बस को विस्फोट से उड़ा दिया। वाहन पूरी तरह क्षतिग्रस्त हो चुका है। कम से कम 10 सुरक्षाकर्मियों की मृत्यु की पुष्टि हो चुकी है। मृतकों की संख्या बढ़ सकती है। इस हमले में कम से कम 3 लोग घायल भी हुए हैं।
राज्य का आधे से अधिक हिस्सा नक्सल प्रभावित है। राजधानी भुवनेश्वर से करीब 500 किलोमीटर दूरी पर स्थित कोरापुट जिले को नक्सलियों का गढ़ माना जाता है।
शाना बनाए जाने से 10 सुरक्षाकर्मी शहीद हो गए और 3 घायल हो गए।
पुलिस डीआईजी संजीब पांडा ने बताया कि नक्सलियों ने बायपारीगुडा कसबे से 14 किलोमीटर दूर उस समय एक बारूदी सुरंग विस्फोट किया जब बड़ी संख्या में विशेष अभियान समूह (एसओजी) के सुरक्षाकर्मी 3 वाहनों में सवार होकर वहां से गुजर रहे थे।
पांडा ने बताया कि नक्सलियों ने एक बस को विस्फोट से उड़ा दिया। वाहन पूरी तरह क्षतिग्रस्त हो चुका है। कम से कम 10 सुरक्षाकर्मियों की मृत्यु की पुष्टि हो चुकी है। मृतकों की संख्या बढ़ सकती है। इस हमले में कम से कम 3 लोग घायल भी हुए हैं।
राज्य का आधे से अधिक हिस्सा नक्सल प्रभावित है। राजधानी भुवनेश्वर से करीब 500 किलोमीटर दूरी पर स्थित कोरापुट जिले को नक्सलियों का गढ़ माना जाता है।
BBSR, (VISAKEO), 4TH APR: The 16th annual function of Dharma Bihar Saraswati Sishu Mandir is held today evening in school premises with a colourful & enjoyable cultural event. The event named as Rangede Basant Yugabda-5112 makes parents & viewers laugh & enjoy very much. President of school managing committee Sri Samir Kumar Mohanty presided over the meeting. Dy secretary of Board of Secendary Education (BBSR) Office. Mr Markat Kesari Roy, Dy medical Suptd. or maternity department head of Sum hospital Dr Basant Pati, department head of BK Art College (BBSR) Mr Gajendra Ku Padhy joined as chief guest, chief speaker & guest of honour respectively in this event. Bandana, inaguration of wallpaper Dharma Chakra, prize distribution, Bande Mataram along with cultural evening held on this occasion.
BBSR, (VISAKEO), 4TH APR: The 16th annual function of Dharma Bihar Saraswati Sishu Mandir is held today evening in school premises with a colourful & enjoyable cultural event. The event named as Rangede Basant Yugabda-5112 makes parents & viewers laugh & enjoy very much. President of school managing committee Sri Samir Kumar Mohanty presided over the meeting. Dy secretary of Board of Secendary Education (BBSR) Office. Mr Markat Kesari Roy, Dy medical Suptd. or maternity department head of Sum hospital Dr Basant Pati, department head of BK Art College (BBSR) Mr Gajendra Ku Padhy joined as chief guest, chief speaker & guest of honour respectively in this event. Bandana, inaguration of wallpaper Dharma Chakra, prize distribution, Bande Mataram along with cultural evening held on this occasion.
BHUBANESWAR, (VISAKEO)1st APR: The voice against Vedanta now became more & more strong. A Sankalp Yatra started on the eve of Utkal Dibas from Bira Harekrushnapur, the Smruti Pitha of sahid Jayi Rajguru in Puri Sadar block. National co-ordinator of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch sri Kashmir Lal inagurated the Yatra. In his speech he told that govt must obey & give respect the order (against Vedanta) of Lokapala & also quickly implement it. Vedanta is a worldclass cheat company, which is intending towards acquire the land of lord Jagannath. So it is hightime to getout Vedanta from the soil of Odisha.The yatra will reach at Puri on 5th Apr & a mass lightening programme will be held there. Also on 19th Apr a demo will be held near Parliament.
BHUBANESWAR, (VISAKEO)1st APR: The voice against Vedanta now became more & more strong. A Sankalp Yatra started on the eve of Utkal Dibas from Bira Harekrushnapur, the Smruti Pitha of sahid Jayi Rajguru in Puri Sadar block. National co-ordinator of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch sri Kashmir Lal inagurated the Yatra. In his speech he told that govt must obey & give respect the order (against Vedanta) of Lokapala & also quickly implement it. Vedanta is a worldclass cheat company, which is intending towards acquire the land of lord Jagannath. So it is hightime to getout Vedanta from the soil of Odisha.The yatra will reach at Puri on 5th Apr & a mass lightening programme will be held there. Also on 19th Apr a demo will be held near Parliament.
BHUBANESWAR,(VISAKEO) 3rd APR: All India annual conference of Bidya Bharati started today at Keshab Dham, GatiroutPatna, Cuttack. In this 3day conference members from 70 state units & 11 zonal units affiliated with Bidya Bharati joined. Vice-Chairman Dr Debendra Pratap Singh told in his inagural speech that, the Bidya Bharati scheme of education is the secret of success in this field.Changes are made in the scheme with reviews & making timebound decissions sothat it can be made updated & useful according to the time. By doing this the (-) impact of English medium schools teaching are made less effective & it helps to create & construct nation lover people. Sri Dinanath Datri was present as chief guest on this occassion.
BHUBANESWAR,(VISAKEO) 3rd APR: All India annual conference of Bidya Bharati started today at Keshab Dham, GatiroutPatna, Cuttack. In this 3day conference members from 70 state units & 11 zonal units affiliated with Bidya Bharati joined. Vice-Chairman Dr Debendra Pratap Singh told in his inagural speech that, the Bidya Bharati scheme of education is the secret of success in this field.Changes are made in the scheme with reviews & making timebound decissions sothat it can be made updated & useful according to the time. By doing this the (-) impact of English medium schools teaching are made less effective & it helps to create & construct nation lover people. Sri Dinanath Datri was present as chief guest on this occassion.
BHUBANESWAR, (VISAKEO)2nd APR: Odisha is now facing a different kind of foreign attack on our agricultural sector. The imported foreign grass or Ghoda Bichhuati or Horse Natal is now seems as a great threat to our farmers.The cattles attacked by Diohrea & Koma disease if they eat this Grass.It came to Odisha in year 2007 when Govt imported wheat mainly from Australia & USSR, Hungary, Canada & Argentina. But it was 1st found by Dec 09 in Cuttack district. Now this grass is found in Cuttack, Bhadrak, Keonjhar district also.Scientist from Central Rice Reasearch Institue express their concern over the issue saying that if any particle of this grass came to human body by directly & indirectly through cattles it may cause health problem to human also.It raises concern over the issue & needs immediate steps to solve the problem.
BHUBANESWAR, (VISAKEO)2nd APR: Odisha is now facing a different kind of foreign attack on our agricultural sector. The imported foreign grass or Ghoda Bichhuati or Horse Natal is now seems as a great threat to our farmers.The cattles attacked by Diohrea & Koma disease if they eat this Grass.It came to Odisha in year 2007 when Govt imported wheat mainly from Australia & USSR, Hungary, Canada & Argentina. But it was 1st found by Dec 09 in Cuttack district. Now this grass is found in Cuttack, Bhadrak, Keonjhar district also.Scientist from Central Rice Reasearch Institue express their concern over the issue saying that if any particle of this grass came to human body by directly & indirectly through cattles it may cause health problem to human also.It raises concern over the issue & needs immediate steps to solve the problem.
BHUBANESWAR, (VISAKEO) 27TH MAR: We can say that the observation of Earth Day all over the world today proves that now world is thinking like the ancient Indian thought Basudhaiba Kutumbakam. The Earth Day is being celebrated on saturday 27th March all over the world to create awareness about glabal warming & envornoment protection. For one hour all electrical lights switched off in more than lakhs & lakhs cities & towns in 135+ countries. In india during evening 8.30-9.30 lights gone swiched off in about 75+ cities & towns. It makes a large scale of power saving in the summer season. It can be said that now people all over the world started to think to live for others, started to think that the Biswa is not only for them, but also it is for the whole of the human being
BHUBANESWAR, (VISAKEO) 27TH MAR: We can say that the observation of Earth Day all over the world today proves that now world is thinking like the ancient Indian thought Basudhaiba Kutumbakam. The Earth Day is being celebrated on saturday 27th March all over the world to create awareness about glabal warming & envornoment protection. For one hour all electrical lights switched off in more than lakhs & lakhs cities & towns in 135+ countries. In india during evening 8.30-9.30 lights gone swiched off in about 75+ cities & towns. It makes a large scale of power saving in the summer season. It can be said that now people all over the world started to think to live for others, started to think that the Biswa is not only for them, but also it is for the whole of the human being
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Invitation to attend 16th annual function of Dharma Vihar Saraswati Sishu Mandir on April 4(Sunday) at 6pm.
The Editors/Resident Editors/News Editors
All Oriya, English and Hindi newspapers and TV channels
Sub-Invitation to attend 16th annual function of Dharma Vihar Saraswati Sishu Mandir on April 4(Sunday) at 6pm.
Dear Sir,
Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandir,Dharmavihar is going to celebrate 16th annual function on April 4 ( Sunday) at 6pm in our school premises. The president Mr.Sameer Mohanty will preside over the function.Mr.Markat Keshari Ray,Deputy Secretary,Board of Secondary Education Orissa,Bhubaneswar Zone,Bhubaneswar has given his consent to grace the occasion as chief-guest and Dr.Basanta Pati Deputy Medical Superintendent,Sum Hospital,Bhubaneswar will be Chief speaker and Mr.Gajendra Kumar Padhi,Senior Lecturer,B.K College of Art and Craft Khandagiri BBSR as Guest of Hon our.
A culture programee named Range De Basanti will held at 7.pm.
Therefore, we are requesting you to send your media team along with photographers and cameramen to cover the said event.
Sasmita Rout
Media Chief
Saraswati Sishu Mandir
Dharma Vihar, Khandagiri
The Editors/Resident Editors/News Editors
All Oriya, English and Hindi newspapers and TV channels
Sub-Invitation to attend 16th annual function of Dharma Vihar Saraswati Sishu Mandir on April 4(Sunday) at 6pm.
Dear Sir,
Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandir,Dharmavihar is going to celebrate 16th annual function on April 4 ( Sunday) at 6pm in our school premises. The president Mr.Sameer Mohanty will preside over the function.Mr.Markat Keshari Ray,Deputy Secretary,Board of Secondary Education Orissa,Bhubaneswar Zone,Bhubaneswar has given his consent to grace the occasion as chief-guest and Dr.Basanta Pati Deputy Medical Superintendent,Sum Hospital,Bhubaneswar will be Chief speaker and Mr.Gajendra Kumar Padhi,Senior Lecturer,B.K College of Art and Craft Khandagiri BBSR as Guest of Hon our.
A culture programee named Range De Basanti will held at 7.pm.
Therefore, we are requesting you to send your media team along with photographers and cameramen to cover the said event.
Sasmita Rout
Media Chief
Saraswati Sishu Mandir
Dharma Vihar, Khandagiri
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