Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kandhamal violence degrades Indian ancient sculpture heritage

Bhubaneswar, 16/10/08 (VISAKEO): The Kandhamal violence not only has brought chaos for the human lives but its ancient sculptures have been degraded to 100 years back. The foreign aid to the local Christian community has destroyed the art and sculpture of the tribal district to expedite the process of religion conversion and to make the whole Hindu people into Christianity, opined Dr. Kamalesh Dash, the organizing secretary of Itihaas Sankalan Samiti of both Orissa and West Bengal, that have made Orissa government’s treasury unprofitable.

Condemning the communal violence in Kandhamal, Dr. Dash said that the violence have been the preplanned action of the alien force to damage Hindu’s heritage and sculpture by which the government used to fill its treasury that is meant for the welfare of the State. After the two days visit to Kandhamal by a group of five researchers on behalf of Itihaas Sankalan Samiti, Dr. Dash reported that many of our ancient sculpture havee been damaged so that now Kandhamal looks as the void of tourists and Nature lovers. Under the shadow of the violence, an ancient Jagannath temple of Baliguda, the hill station of Daringdadi, the artistic temples surrounded in greenery, the Shivlingam of G. Udaygiri, a Taurus of Raikia, an ancient Budhist sculpture of Barkhamma have been under destruction. He revealed that few Christian converts had burnt down the Hindu scriptures like Bhagabat, epics, and ancient literature and works by saint Bhim Bhoi, in front of the CRPF militant in Brhamoni village of Kandhamal. Such things are really inflammatory under which the Hindu people will be suffering from loss of their heritage and will lay a foundation for another crisis afterwards, he said.

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