Thursday, January 31, 2013

बेरोजगारों को नियुक्ति मिले: जुएल

बेरोजगारों को नियुक्ति मिले: जुएल

लहुणीपाड़ा: भाजपा की कोइड़ा ब्लाक कमेटी की एक बैठक स्थानीय कारो नदी के तट पर हुई। इसमें मुख्य अतिथि भाजपा के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष जुएल उरांव रहे।
इसमें उरांव ने अंचल में खदान बंद होने जाने से बेरोजगारी की समस्या बढ़ने की बात कही। उन्होंने कहा कि खदान बंद होने के कारण खदानों पर रोजी-रोटी के लिए निर्भर सैकड़ों लोग बेरोजगार हो गए हैं। उरांव ने इन बेरोजगारों के लिए नियुक्ति की व्यवस्था करने की मांग की। उन्होंने अंचल में संगठन को मजबूत करने पर जोर दिया। बैठक में अन्य लोगों में भाजपा के बणई जिलाध्यक्ष मनोज प्रधान, श्रमिक नेता प्रभाकर मल्लिक, गोपाल पात्र, चक्रधर देहुरी, लक्ष्मीनारायण जायसवाल, शरत बारिक, किशोर गुप्ता, देहुरी मुंडा, यशोवंत बेहरा, गुणनिधि महांत समेत बड़ी संख्या में भाजपाई शामिल थे।

वेद व उपनिषद जीवन के आधार

वेद व उपनिषद जीवन के आधार

वेद व उपनिषद जीवन के आधार
 राउरकेला :
छेंड स्थित हृषिकेश राय कालेज के वार्षिकोत्सव में मुख्य अतिथि एनआइटी से अवकाश प्राप्त प्रोफेसर डा. प्रमिला पंडा ने मनुष्य जीवन व चरित्र पर प्रकाश डाला। उन्होंने कहा कि वेद, उपनिषद व गीता ही हमारे सांस्कृतिक जीवन के आधार हैं। उन्होंने स्वामी विवेकानंद व अरविंद के जीवन आदर्शो का अनुसरण करने से जीवन में सफलता मिलने की बात कही।
हृषिकेश राय कालेज के 27वें वार्षिकोत्सव में मुख्य वक्ता वरिष्ठ कथाकार डा. गौरहरि दास ने अनुभूति एवं मौलिक ज्ञान तथा कर्म के आधार पर विद्यार्थियों को विभिन्न जानकारी दी तथा कभी भी हीन भावना का शिकार नहीं होने का परामर्श दिया। सम्मानित अतिथि शिक्षाविद संध्या राय ने चरित्र गठन, अनुशासन एवं स्वामी चिन्मयानंद के दर्शन को जीवन में अपनाने का परामर्श दिया। संस्कृति संसद में अव्वल आशीष सिंह तथा खेल संसद के उल्लेखनीय कार्य के लिए सत्यरंजन पंडा को पुरस्कृत किया गया। कालेज के अध्यक्ष भवेश चंद्र साहू ने अतिथियों का स्वागत किया तथा कालेज की सफलता पर प्रकाश डाला। संचालन प्राध्यापिका डा. स्वर्ण देवी ने किया। प्रोफेसर डा. सनातन प्रधान ने अंत में धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया। इस मौके पर नाट्य संसद की ओर से नाटक श्रीहरा फगुण का मंचन किया गया।

Report on Hindu Chaitanya Sibiram - Purva Andhra Pradesh

Report on Hindu Chaitanya Sibiram - Purva Andhra Pradesh

Source: VSK- ANDHRA PRADESH      Date: 1/31/2013 12:06:57 PM
$img_titleHyderabad, January 31, 2013 : Hindu Chaitanya Shibiram a three days camp was organised by R.S.S. (Purva Andhra Pranth) on the eve of "Completed 75 years of established the RSS in Andhra Pradesh" at Satavahananagar, on Vijayawada-Guntur highway, close to toll gate near Kaza village from 18th to 20th January 2013.
Day 1 : 18th January 2013 : Inaugural Function
$img_titleThe inaugural function was held on 18th January and those who occupied the dais were Sarkaryavah (All India General Secretary) of RSS Ma.Sri Bhayyaji Joshi, Sri K.C.Kannan, Sri Madhubai, Sri Bhagayya, Sri Rammadhav, Sri Ajit and Sri Jagdish Prasad. Among those prominent citizens who participated in the event were Justice Parvatarao, Sri Somayajulu, Sri Raghavulu and Sri Mangesh.
The camp was started with a song (Vaiyaktik Geet) on Hindu awakening. Pranth Karyavah Sri N.Ravi in his address highlighted the fact that united strength of swayamsevaks of 4 generations was visible in the camp.
Blessing speech by Pujya Swami Paripoornananda 
Swami Paripoonananda, head of SreePeetham, Kakinada in his address talked about the great ness of Hindu Dharma. He said that Dharma and Nation should not be seen separately. Closely associated with Dharma are cow, Ganga, Gita and Guru and those should be protected by Hindus. Today temples are divided into various groups which is not a healthy trend, he said. He talked of the need to safeguard the works and preachings of Pujaniya Doctorji, Pujaniya Guruji and Swami Vivekananda.
Speech by Sarkaryavah Ma.Sri Bhayyaji JoshiRSS Sarkaryavah (All India General Secretary) Ma.Sri Bhayyaji Joshi in his address said that Hindu does not mean custom, tradition or method of worship and explained that Pujya Doctorji founded the R.S.S. in 1925 for the purpose of healthy social living, universal welfare. Today border areas of Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and North-eastern regions have become hotbeds for destructive forces and naxalism and terrorism have become a challenge to the nation. In the name of service, certain institutions are carrying out religious conversions and Sri Bhayyaji Joshi asked us to be aware and alert to thwart any such attempts. He cautioned that if policies are framed towards gaining only material pleasures, it does not augur well for the economic system in the future. He said that there is no safety for women today and we should not become mute witnesses about their plights. Women today are coming forward successfully in various sectors, he said. He exhorted the Hindus to march ahead with right strength and renewed vigour. We should remove the defects that have crept into our Hindu society over a period of time, he urged.
Day 2 : 19th January 2013Keeping the motto of the camp as “Hindu awakening as welfare of Bharat and welfare of Bharat as universal well-being”. The 2nd day of the camp was started in the early morning with hoisting of Bhagawa Dhwaj (Saffron Flag), Sangha Prarthana (prayer) and yoga by thousands of swayamsevaks. Later, Ekatmata mantra was recited quoting from Hindu, Jain, and Sikh and Buddhist religions.
Pujya Swami Siddeswarananda Bharati, head of KurtalamPeeth in his address said that due to the meditation by Swami Vivekananda on the rock memorial of Kanyakumari, that place became powerful centre. He reminded that due to strong determination and ardent efforts by Sri Doctorji, R.S.S. was established. Gandhiji gained fulfilment due to chanting of Lord Ram’s name. Sri Guruji with the blessings of Akhandananda of Rama Krishna Math headed and guided the activities of R.S.S. When Dharma was in danger, Rana Pratap, Shivaji, Doctorji and Guruji came in for its protection and restoration. The Swamiji said that in the White House of USA, recently a programme of Sangh was conducted. Lakhs of swayamsevaks keep meeting each other in USA. In Hyderabad Secretariat for installing Durga Devi, 4000 employees participated and this is a welcome sign, the Swamiji averred. He said that today America is being safeguarded by Hindu Gods. He also said that large number of swayamsevaks participated in Dharma activities organised by him in New York and California of USA.
Patha Sanchalan (Route March)$img_titleA great Patha Sanchalan (Route March) was held on 19th, the 2nd day of Sibir, participated thousands of swayamsevaks who attended in the 3 day sibir, in two cities Vijayawada and Guntur. The people welcomed in solid the swayamsevaks by flowers and harati.
Day 3 : 20th January 2013 : Sarvajanika Sabha$img_titleIn Satavahananagar, venue of the camp, thousands of swayamsevaks hailing from 11 Districts came out from 15 tents and assembled before BhagavaDhwajam and greeted elders on the stage with Ghosh (Band). On the eve of public function, reception committee president and Viswa Hindu Parishad Vice President Sri Gokaraju Gangaraju in his address told that untouchability is a sin and religious conversions should be stopped.
Blessed Speech by Swami Tridandi Srimannarayana Chinna JeeyarTridandi Srimannarayana Jiyar Swamiji while giving his discourse told that swayamsevaks took forward a noble cause by combining strength and vibrancy. He said that Vedas, Itihasas, Puranas and Shashtras reverberated with Dharma exhortations and the swayamsevaks are trying to implement and live up to those and some have forgotten. There is a need to remind about practising Dharma. There is respect even for non-believers. We literally worship our parents and pay respects to parents of others and a situation is emerging now to get this example emulated by others. Today, there is a need for model villages, he told. Due to advent of smart phones, cell phones and TVs personal meetings are becoming less frequent. Human values are getting eroded not only in towns but also in villages. Human values are existing in the swayamsevaks, he lauded. “All of you took initiative in propagating Dharma family”, he said. He hoped that this camp would be a starting point for heralding on the concept of model villages. He concluded his discourse by telling that it is not about dualistic or non-dualistic philosophy that is in question now.
Chief Guest and ex D.G.P.of A.P. Sri K.Aravindrao told that the only organisation possessing qualities of national integrity and devotion is R.S.S. Today, even culture has been globalised. Cultural attacks began with Britishers. Westerns are distorting our scriptural sayings. He quoted Telegraph newspaper of England wherein it is stated that to bring awakening amongst intellectuals, we get lot of material from the preachings of Swami Vivekananda. There is lot of positive strength in Bhagavat Gita and Upanishads and they are above religion. No Hindu can ever be a fundamentalist. Our nation never attacked another country. In Bangladesh, the population of Hindus has considerably reduced. Recently Central Minister Sri A.K.Anthony said that minorities are safe in our country. He asked swayamsevaks to read Bharatam and Ramayan. They should attain soft power.
Pujaniya Sarsanghachalak of RSS Ma.Sri Mohanji Bhagavat, Sarkaryavah Ma.Sri Bhayyaji Joshi, Dakshin Madhya Kshetra Sanghachalak Sri T.V.Deshmuksh, Purva Andhra Pranth Sanghachalak Ma.Sri M.Sundara Murty were participated n this meeting.
Speech by Ma.Mohanji Bhagavat$img_titlePujaniya Sarsanghachalak Ma.Sri Mohanji Bhagavat in his address talked about environmental issues and the turbulent times the world is faced with like destruction of families and asked to rekindle the ancient value system prevalent in India and to spread this message to the world. If one observes the way Pakistan is behaving with India for the last few days, one can say it is not a friendly but enemy country. China is equally dangerous. Due to the weak border areas, drug trafficking, weapons and fake currency exchange go unchecked. The policies being adopted in our country are not helpful to the well-being of the nation. Price rise, foreign direct investments in retail sector, caste and regional differences are creating disappointment and despair among the people.
Many great persons have called for spread of patriotic thoughts among the people. Even radical humanism champion M.N.Roy emphasised the need for national, patriotic thoughts. Today in the country languages are different and teaching procedures are different. But by protecting the diversity, we should follow Hindutva thought and value system. There is a need to rekindle Hindutva thought process. for welfare of the world. It does not terrorise any body. It should not be clubbed with terrorism. The Sangh has taken up 130,000 service activities with love. It works for building up of integrated Hindu society. Dr.AbdulKalam realised the need for building up of strength in the society. Strength does not mean acquisition of weapons. There should be welfare of the society, safety of the country and well-being of the world. Through awakened and vibrant society, qualitative richness should prevail.
He exhorted the members to participate in the 1 hour shakha activity daily and this will pave the way for becoming a person of fulfillment. Rashtra Sevika Samithi is working for the cause of women. There is a need for rejuvenation of power of right citizens. Sri Bhagavat called upon all the members to become partners in this noble mission.

$img_titleIn starting the function the swayamsevaks who participated in the 3 day sibir, demonstrated the physical exercises, those are Vyayam Yog (Drill with stick), Pataak Vyayaam (Drill with small flags), Yoga, Surya Namaskar and Ghosh. The thousands of visitors watched and enjoyed the demonstrations.
The camp concluded on the 3rd day.
 Highlights of Hindu Chaitanya Sibiram :
- The sibir organized in total 125 Ekads of land
- Total 17,300 swayamsevaks participated in 3 days sibiram - 150 feet length stage arranged for public meeting
- 1,000 buses worked for sibir
- 2000 swayamsevaks worked as prabandhaks
- The Bhagawa Dhwaj arranged at 67 feet hight from the earth
- RTC buses, and Trains also halted at the sibir place for carrying  swayamsevaks and visitors
- Above 1 lakh visitors visited the exhibition arranged in the sibir
- Swayamsevaks has been participated in the public meeting by the age between 3 to 85
- Above 30 thousand people attended the public meeting held on last day.
- Participated all level karyakartas from Sakha to Akhila Bharta.
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Indian Christians adopt Hindu ways to find a soulmate

Indian Christians adopt Hindu ways to find a soulmate

Source:      Date: 2/1/2013 12:01:50 PM
$img_titleBhopal, February 1: Kiran Bhabor has good jobs as a hostel warden and nursing college teacher. But the 33-year-old doesn't have a husband. For over a decade, she has looked unsuccessfully for a suitable partner. Even the efforts of her Bhil tribal family have failed to turn up any candidates. But Bhabor has hopes that her luck might soon improve.
She says her search has failed because most of the men in her community in Madhya Pradesh state are economically and educationally “backward," making it a difficult prospect for educated women like her to find an appropriate groom.
In India, finding life partners is a social and family responsibility; more so among the country’s tribal communities because it ensures that young people do not stray outside their tribal and faith communities for the sake of a spouse.
A “suitable match” traditionally means meeting the parameters of caste, sub-caste, age, education and religion. In recent times, employment has also become a significant factor.
Bhabor's options are even narrower. As a Christian Bhil tribal, she must find a Christian Bhil man with her level of education who is older than her – not an easy thing in such a small minority of the population.
In contrast, finding a mate is easier among Hindus, as their communities regularly conduct parichay sammelan - introdution meetings - where women and men who want to get married come, along with their families, to meet prospective partners.
Taking a cue from such meetings, Catholics in Indore diocese in central India have begun to organize their own introduction meetings along the same lines.
Bhabor and her father were among the 152 multi-denominational participants – 86 girls and 66 boys, along with their families – of the first such meeting in late January. There she found one prospective match, and her family is now working to finalize a marriage agreement.
Abhilesh Kochele, who also joined the meeting, said the selection process was easy for him because prospective brides and grooms speak openly to the group about the qualities they expect in a life partner.
Dasil Thomas, 64, came to the event in search of matches for his son and daughter. “I have zeroed in on three matches each for them, and am hopeful of finalizing their marriages shortly,” he said.
The process has the added benefit of being trustworthy and reliable because of the involvement of the Church, said Sheffi Saldanha, 22, a prospective bride.
Father Joby Anand, director of the diocesan Youth Commission and organizer of the introduction meeting, said the initial results were good and the meetings will continue regularly. He said in recent years educated women have given up the prospect of marriage because of a lack of educated men, or have begun seeking parnters outside their communities.
Educational institutions run by the Church have provided better opportunities for tribal families to educate their children – an advantage that others in the community don’t have. “Since the Christian community is small and scattered, the meetings help bring women and men together and know each other,” Fr Anand said, noting that Christians comprise less than one percent of the population in Madhya Pradesh.
This month’s event also included youths from Maharashtra, Chhattisgarth, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan states – all with similarly small Christian communities made up mostly of migrants from the south or tribal and lower caste converts.
Young Christians marrying outside their faith has become a great concern for the Church, according to Bishop Chacko Thottumarickal of Indore, who sees the meetings as a good tool to remedy the problem.
“We want our youths to marry within our faith," he said. "The meetings will not only help them find a suitable match, but also make them stay in the community.”


ISI, militants involved in beheading of Indian soldier along LoC?

ISI, militants involved in beheading of Indian soldier along LoC?

Source: VSK- ANDHRA PRADESH      Date: 1/31/2013 2:14:14 PM
NEW DELHI, January 31, 2013 : Was Pakistan intelligence agency Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), along with operatives from terror groups Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad, involved in the recent beheading and mutilation of the Indian soldiers Lance Naik Hemraj Singh and Sudhakar Singh along the Line of Control?
A special report by intelligence reports accessed by CNN-IBN says that the ISI had taken the assistance of the two terror groups to infiltrate the border and kill Indian soldiers.

According to the report, the ISI plotted the killings of the Indian soldiers in the Mendhar district and the operation was led by a serving ISI subedar, Jabbar Khan, from a unit based in Tattapani in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir along with 15 others, consisting of LeT and JeM militants.

The ambush party was stationed at Barmoch border outpost in PoK, which is directly across the Atma Post which is held by the Rajputana Rifles. The Pakistan squad reportedly monitored the movement and deployment of the Indian Army personnel before carrying out the attack and a day after the ambush party was spotted at Tattapani in PoK.

Locals living along the Line of Control may have acted as guides, the report said.

One of the LeT operatives, Anwar Khan, involved in the beheading was allegedly rewarded with Rs 5 lakh by his handlers, the intelligence report said. Incidentally, Khan was also reportedly involved in the beheading of an Indian Army captain in 1996 in the Krishna Ghati area.

“There cannot be any doubt about it (that the jehadi groups are capable of carrying out this brutalisation). We have given proof to the world that there are about 40-50 such camps strung along the LoC. They act with the help of ISI and the regular Pak army,” Lt General M K Sawhney, ex-Military Intelligence Chief, said.
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कुंभ में पुख्ता सुरक्षा व्यवस्था नहीं :शकराचार्य

कुंभ में पुख्ता सुरक्षा व्यवस्था नहीं :शकराचार्य

पूरी के शकराचार्य स्वामी निश्चलानंद सरस्वती उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव पर खफा हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि मेरा व अन्य शकराचार्यो का प्रयाग के कुंभ मेले में पुख्ता सुरक्षा व्यवस्था नहीं की गई है। यही वजह है कि कुंभ मेले का वहिष्कार किया गया है। यहां एक कार्यक्रम के दौरान पूरी के शकराचार्य ने उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री को आड़े हाथों लिया।
उन्होंने कहा कि शकराचार्य किसी भी पार्टी के न होने के कारण उनके सुरक्षा के लिए दैनिक मजदूरी पर एक होमगार्ड रख दिया गया है। होमगार्ड कहता कहता है स्वामीजी आपतो भगवान भरोसे ही सुरक्षित है, हमारी क्या जरूरत है। कहा, जो भी मुख्यमंत्री होता है, वह विरोध करने वालों को भेंट पूजा कर शात करता है। कुंभ मेला एक हिंदू पर्व है, जो अब एक साधारण व्यापार मेला का रूप ले चूका है। अखंड पाठ के नाम पर कुंभ मेले में जमींन आवंटन का भी स्वामीजी ने विरोध किया है। यही वजह है कि शंकराचार्य शाही स्नान का विरोध कर रहे हैं।

महायंत्र से विकास के बजाय विनास हो रहा है : जगतगुरू शंकराचार्य

महायंत्र से विकास के बजाय विनास हो रहा है : जगतगुरू शंकराचार्य  

महायंत्र से विकास के बजाय विनास हो रहा है : जगतगुरू शंकराचार्य
जागरण संवाददाता, पुरी : विकास के नाम पर देश विनाश की तरफ बढ़ रहा है। यांत्रिक विकास विभिन्न समस्या पैदा कर रहा है। इस बारे में जागरूक होने की जरूरत है। वैदिक जागरूकता से विश्व के विभिन्न संकट व समस्या का समाधान करना होगा। पुरी गोब‌र्द्धनपीठ के जगतगुरू शंकराचार्य निश्चलानंद सरस्वती पीठ की तरफ से आयोजित तीर्थराज महोदधि आरती के छठवें वार्षिक उत्सव के समारोह में उद्बोधन देते हुए यह बात कही है। समुद्र तट पर आयोजित इस आध्यात्मिक परिवेश में स्वामी जी ने कहा कि भारतीय संस्कृति के मूलाधार है, मनुष्य व प्राणियों की हित की रक्षा करना है। हमारी संस्कृति है वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम यानी सारा विश्व एक परिवार। यांत्रिक सभ्यता के विकास के कारण महानगरियों में विशुद्ध जल, वायु और प्रकाश उपलब्ध नहीं हो रही है। भूकम्प का मुकाबला नहीं हो सकता है। इसलिए महायंत्र के विस्तार को रोकना पड़ेगा। उन्होंने कहा कि सत्यवादी, दयावान व्यक्ति संसार से विलुप्त हो रहे हैं। राजनीति में अपराध बढ़ रहा है। आर्थिक विकास के लिए मनुष्य प्रयास कर रहा है, जो संकट को आमंत्रण करेगा। इस धार्मिक सम्मेलन में पुरी के गजपति महाराज दिव्य सिंहदेव मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में भाग लेकर कहा कि पूरे विश्व में अशांति, समस्या, दुख व अभाव देखा जा रहा है। इसके निराकरण के लिए मनुष्य प्रयासरत है,मगर कोई लाभ नहीं होरहा है। अनादि काल से भारत भूमि में मुनि ऋषि सभी समस्या का हल का मार्ग दिखाए हैं। स्वस्थ शरीर और सुखी मनोभाव से दिव्य भगवत सत्ता का अनुभव करना सबका कर्तव्य होना चाहिए। आज प्रशासनिक अधिकारियों ने केवल भौतिक प्रगति में गुरुत्व दे रहे हैं। धर्म की स्थापना उनकी योजना में नहीं है। धर्म गुरूओं के उपदेश और वाणी के प्रति उच्च स्तर पर रहने वाले व्यक्तियों का ध्यान नहीं है। इस अवसर पर अन्यतम अतिथि के रूप में गांधीवादी नेता एस.एन.सुबाराव, बड़चणा विधायक अमर शतपथी, भाजपा के राष्ट्रीय कृषक मोर्चा के महासचिव नरेश सिरोही, आनंद वाहिनी के सदस्या सीमा तिवारी, हरिद्वार से आए हुए संत ओम आनंद प्रभु आदि ने अपने विचार रखे। प्रारंभ में सुबल चरण दास महाराज ने स्वागत भाषण दिए। इस अवसर पर गजपति महाराज दिव्य सिंहदेव ने नित्य संध्या आरती पर बनी एक सीडी का विमोचन किए। साबत निजोग के संपादक लक्ष्मी नारायण पण्डा ने जगतगुरू के आशीर्वाद ग्रहण किए। श्रीमंदिर छत्तीसानिजोग के महानायक जनार्दन पाटजोशी महापात्र, शंकराचार्य और गजपति महाराज को महाप्रभु श्री जगन्नाथ के अंग वस्त्र(खण्डुआ) प्रदान किए। मनोज कुमार रथ ने सभा संचालन किया। सभा पर्व के बाद जगतगुरू शंकराचार्य ने समुद्र तट पर प्रणाम करते हुए महोदधि के उद्देश्य में दिव्य आरती किए। वाद्य ध्वनि के साथ मंत्रोचारण के बीच महोदधि आरती बेलाभूमि में की गई।


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kochi jetty named after Swami Vivekanada

Kochi jetty named after Swami Vivekanada

Source: VSK- KERALA      Date: 1/30/2013 4:10:23 PM
$img_titleKochi, January 30, 2013 : In Kochi city the District collector Mr. Sheik Pareet took great initiative for all our Swami Vivekananda 150th birth anniversary  celebration. Because of all Sangh organisational effort the famous Boat Jetty in the centre part of Kochi city is going to be named as Swami Vivekanada Boat jetty.
The Kochi Corporation council majority of Congress and communist people unanimously agreed the motion put forward by BJP senior Councillor Syamala Prabhu and city Councillor sudha dileep.
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Take Swami Vivekananda to every house

Take Swami Vivekananda to every house

Source: VSK- KARNATAKA      Date: 1/30/2013 3:19:28 PM
$img_titleBangalore, January 30, 2013 : Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary was an occasion for everyone which imbued the spirit of national enthusiasm.  With the objective of facilitating the awakening of the whole humanity thus actualizing the vision – Wake up Bhart! Enlighten the World!!. The day was celebrated at nooks and corners across India.
TeenTaal ( organization with the objective of creating music primarily focusing on social kind, public awareness, devotional and recreation music, has created a song in support of the campaign “Take Swami Vivekananda to every house”. TeenTaal contributed to this cause by releasing a song Man Mein Taakat – An inspirational song based on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.
The above song was performed by TeenTaal team members Anit, Santosh, Varsha and Sapnaperforming at the Swamy Vivekananda-150 birth celebrations, held at Jayanagar, Bangalore on January 12, 2013.
Mann Mein Taakat- Song on Swami Vivekananda –

RSS strongly condemned Tushar Gandhi’s remarks

RSS strongly condemned Tushar Gandhi’s remarks

Source: VSK- KARNATAKA      Date: 1/30/2013 3:07:42 PM
$img_titleNEW DELHI/BANGALORE, January 30:Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sanngh (RSS) Wednesday strongly condemned the uncharitable remarks made by Tushar Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson about the organization ‘celebrating the Mahatma’s assassination’.
While the entire nation today was busy paying tributes to the martyrs on Martyrs’ Day today, Tushar Gandhi tweeted claiming ‘RSS was celebrating Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination’.
Taking strong exception to these utterly false propaganda RSS Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh Dr Manmohan Vaidya said in a statement issued today “Tushar Gandhi’s remarks are unacceptable, We condemn them. These remarks are false propaganda tantamount to tarnish the image of the RSS. Vandaniya Mahatma Gandhi wrote “Satya ke Prayog” while his grandson Tushar is spreading lies by making such remarks. He is propagating “Asatya ke Prayog”. The RSS always respected Mahatma Gandhi, his life and thoughts and concepts. Tushar’s remarks about RSS are nothing but spreading falsehood”.
$img_titleDr Vaidya quoted a telegram sent to Pt. Nehru, Sardar Vallabhai Patel and Mahatma’s son Devdas Gandhi by the second RSS Sarsanghchalak the late M S Golwalkar alias Sri Guruji on January 30, 1948. The telegram said:

“30 January 1948
Shocked at the news of cruel fatal attack and tragic loss of greatest personality. Country's loss unbounded in these critical times. God help shoulder responsibilities grown heavier and fulfill the void caused by the loss of incomparable unifier.                                           
-M. S. Golwalkar”
Earlier this morning, Tushar Gandhi tweeted as “Nationwide the RSS was celebrating Bapu’s murder by distributing ‘Mithai’ even before AIR made announcement.”
VSK Analysis: This not the first time that the allegation ‘RSS was behind Mahatma Gandhiji’s assassination’ was leveled against the organization. All such claims proved false and baseless. Even from the time of Pt. Nehru, RSS was victim for such slander and false propaganda. Following Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination in 1948, RSS was banned by the then Nehru government. Many prominent leaders of the RSS were arrested as the RSS was banned on 4 February 1948.
A Commission of Inquiry into the conspiracy to murder of Mahatma Gandhi was set up and its report was published by Ministry of Home Affairs in the year 1970. Accordingly Justice Kapur Commission noted the following:
…RSS as such were not responsible for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi, meaning thereby that one could not name the organization as such as being responsible for that most diabolical crime, the murder of the apostle of peace. It has not been proved that they (the accused) were members of the RSS… —Kapur Commission Report.
RSS Leaders were acquitted of the conspiracy charge by the Supreme Court of India and following an intervention by the Court, the then Government of India agreed to lift the ban with condition that the RSS adopted a formal constitution. The second Sarsanghachalak, M S Golwalkar drafted the constitution for the RSS which he sent to the government in March 1949. In July of the same year, after many negotiations over the constitution and its acceptance, the ban on RSS was lifted.
In 1934, during Mahatma Gandhi’s visit to RSS Camp accompanied by Mahadev Desai and Mirabehn at Wardha, he was surprised by the discipline and the absence of untouchability in RSS and commented: “When I visited the RSS Camp, I was very much surprised by your discipline and absence of untouchability.” He personally inquired from the Swayamsevaks about their castes and found that they were living and eating together in the camp without bothering to know their castes”.
On 15 January 2000, a daily, The Statesman, carried a story about the RSS by A G Noorani, which depicted the RSS as the killer of Gandhi. Subsequently the Delhi unit of the RSS filed a criminal case of defamation against author of the article A G Noorani along with the cartoonist and the Managing Director of the publishing house. When two of the accused did not respond to the Court summons, non-bailable warrants were issued in their name by the Court. On 25th February 2002, Noorani wrote an unconditional apology to the court in which he regretted writing the defamatory article against the RSS. On 3rd March 2002, ‘The Statesman’ also published an apology regretting the publication of the said article.
The Statesman said: “We had described the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh as “the organisation that killed Gandhi”. This was incorrect, and unsupported by both facts and the record. We express regrets for the publication and apologize unconditionally for the anguish and mental torture caused to members of the organization”.
Here is the link.

Pejawar seer against naming of varsity after Tipu

Pejawar seer against naming of varsity after Tipu

Source: VSK- CHENNAI      Date: 1/30/2013 2:55:59 PM
 ‘It can be named after non-controversial persons’ 
$img_titleChennai, January 30, 2013 : Vishwesha Tirtha Swamiji of Pejawar Math on Wednesday said the university proposed to be set up by the Union Government in Srirangapatna could be named after non-controversial persons such as Kabir, Shishunal Sharif, Maulana Azad or Abdul Kalam instead of Tipu Sultan.

In a press release issued here, the seer said that there were many persons belonging to the Muslim community who were known for their tolerance and had been admired by both Hindus and Muslims. But there was a lot of controversy surrounding Tipu Sultan.

Writer M. Chidananda Murthy had quoted several controversial instances from the life of Tipu Sultan. Instead of responding to Mr. Chidanandamurthy’s charges, those supporting Tipu Sultan, were only criticising Mr. Chidanandamurthy and writer S.L. Bhairappa.

The seer said that he had a lot of respect and admiration for Islam and participated in several functions organised by the Muslim community.

India was a secular country. Hence, it was not right to have a university that gave special attention to the people of a particular community.

It was necessary to treat persons belonging to both majority and minority communities in the country equally. It was incorrect to give more importance to any one community.
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Source: VSK-Karnataka      Date: 1/30/2013 11:35:36 AM
$img_titleHasan January 27, 2013: RSS Hasan district unit organised special convention ‘YUVA SHAKTI SANGAMA’ to commemorate Swamy Vivekanana’s 150th Birth Anniversary this evening.

$img_titleMore than 2000 RSS Swayamsevaks dressed in Sangh Uniform (Ganavesh) participated in the event. RSS Akhil Bharatiya Sah Vyavastha Pramukh Mangesh Bhende,

$img_titleSomashekara Swamiji of Halebeedu Pushpagiri Mutt, RSS Pranth Sanghachalak M Venkaratam, RSS Mysore Vibhag Sanghachalak Dr Vaman Rao Bapat were present on the dais. Earlier to Public function, there  was Path Sanchalan, Route March by RSS Swayamsevaks in streets of Hasan.


Congress MLA inaugurates RSS organised Event

Congress MLA inaugurates RSS organised Event

Source: VSK-karnataka      Date: 1/30/2013 11:25:17 AM
$img_titleBangalore : Congress MLA of Bangalore, Dinesh Gundurao, Inaugurated Swamy Vivekananda 150th Birth celebrations at Ckikkapet, Bangalore recently on January 12. RSS Pranth Karyavah N Tippeswamy, Swamiji of Beli Mutt, Local BJP MP PC Mohan, local BJP corporator Shivakumar and several other leaders were present. The programme was organisesd by an RSS initiative platform to commemorate Swamy Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary.

Dignified celebration of Vivekananda jayanthi at Kochi

Dignified celebration of Vivekananda jayanthi at Kochi

Source: VSK- KERALA      Date: 1/30/2013 4:20:01 PM
$img_titleKochi, January 30, 2013 :
  Vivekananda jayanthi-January 12th programme of Kochi mahanagar- Kerala, have a delightful and dignified participation from the part of district administration and also from political leaders including Congress Party. They gave permission to conduct function in childrens park which is the heart of the city and also where the Swami Vivekananda's statue also situated.
All the dignitaries where so happy to light the lamp along with the childrens who dressed like Vivekananda. district collector Mr. Sheik Pareeth gave a valuable speech.
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Former ABVP activist Milind Kamble honored with ‘Padmashree’

Former ABVP activist Milind Kamble honored with ‘Padmashree’

Source: Newsbharati      Date: 1/29/2013 5:12:14 PM
$img_titleNewsbharati: The Government of India has honored Milind Kamble, a prominent face in the Dalit movement of India with most coveted ‘Padmashree” award this year.
Milind Kamble, who served Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) as a full time activist for three years is credited with starting his own business in construction engineering leading by example. He became instrumental in trapping the chief engineer of irrigation department for graft.
Milind has prepared the biggest ever web site on Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and later earned name and fame as member of the education committee of Pune Municipal Corporation.
His significant contribution was establishment of Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DICCI) and thereby giving a new dimension to the Dalit movement in India. “We will not beg for jobs henceforth but will give jobs to job seekers” was his new mantra that generated a new confidence amongst the Dalit community. Now DICCI has its chapters in almost all the states of India and the Government of India has granted recognition to DICCI as official chamber. The Finance Minister had invited DICCI and MIlindx Kamble for pre-budget discussions. What is most special about Milind is that even after scaling such heights in so short a span of life, he is firmly rooted to his mooring.
His better half Seema is a teacher in Ramanbag Prashala, Pune (Maharashtra) and their daughter Maitreyee studies in 8th standard in Ahalyadevi Prashala.  
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Monday, January 28, 2013

Outrage over plans for Malaysian Bible burning festival

Outrage over plans for Malaysian Bible burning festival

Source: VSK-ENG      Date: 1/28/2013 3:38:51 PM
$img_titleMalaysia: Leaflets inviting people to a “Bible-burning festival” have stirred outrage in Malaysia. This coincided with a nationalist group leader urging to “seize and burn” Malay-language Bibles, prompting calls for his prosecution.
The flyers, issued by a previously unknown group, promised mass Bible-burning in the Malaysian state of Penang on Sunday. The incident has fueled the flames in an ongoing nationwide debate over the use of the word “Allah” for “God” in Jawi-scripted Christian holy texts.
“To Muslims who have copies of al-Kitab, bring them over to make our Bible-burning session merrier,” the text on the flyers said as published on Malaysiakini web portal. It added that the act should “teach them [Christians] a lesson.”
Such statements should be charged under various Malaysian Penal Code sections, including “incitement or abetment to commit criminal offence,” if not under the government’s Sedition Act, Malaysian Bar council president Lim Chee Wee said in a statement.
Wee has also backed the Malaysian opposition demands that charges should be brought against MP Ibrahim Ali, the founder of Malay supremacy group Perkasa, who is said to have made similar remarks recently.
Ibrahim Ali, who advocates for Malay Muslim majority dominance, is notoriously known for threatening Christians with a “holy war” and speaking against Malay-language Bibles containing the word “Allah.”
Opposition-ruled Penang state chief minister Lim Guan, also spoke out against the remarks, urging that authorities “impose stringent measures to prevent such abhorrent and vile acts that would endanger national harmony and heighten religious tensions,” referring to the calls for Bible-burning.
Perkasa has responded to the heightened criticism by claiming they have nothing to do with plans to burn Malay Bibles, with the groups secretary-general stating “That is not Perkasa’s program,” adding that they will “leave this event to the police.”
Religious tensions once again flared in Malaysia recently, after the sultan of Selangor state issued a decree banning the word “Allah” from being used by non-.Muslims.
The word has appeared in Malaysia’s, as well as neighboring Indonesia’s Christian texts for centuries due to the language peculiarities. There is no other word for “God” in the Malay language.
The struggle comes on the eve of tight Malaysian elections, where the ruling coalition and the opposition candidates will be running in a close race according to the polls.

Friday, January 25, 2013

बजरंग दल ने निकाला मशाल जुलूस

बजरंग दल ने निकाला मशाल जुलूस

 भुवनेश्वर :
पाकिस्तानी महिला क्रिकेट खिलाड़ियों के प्रदेश में खेलने के विरुद्ध आवाज तेज होने लगी है। बजरंग दल की ओर से कटक में मशाल रैली निकाल कर विरोध जताया गया। गुरुवार को इसके खिलाफ बंद का आयोजन किया गया है। बजरंग दल बंद के आह्वान के समर्थन में राणिहाट, बक्सी बाजार, मंगलावाग शेख बाजार में दुकान बंद रही। पुलिस ने बंद के आह्वान को देखते हुए जगह जगह पर पुलिस दल तैनात कर दिया है। बजरंग दल के कार्यकर्ताओं ने ओडिशा क्रिकेट एसोसिएशन के खिलाफ नारेबाजी करते हुए कालेज चौक, मधूपाटना, बादामबाड़ी, दोलमुण्डाई इलाके में पिकेटिंग किया। पुलिस ने स्टेशन बाजार कालेज चौक एवं विभिन्न इलाके में प्रदर्शन कर रहे 35 बजरंग दल के समर्थकों को हिरासत में लिया है। दल की ओर से साफ किया गया है कि अगर पाकिस्तानी महिला क्रिकेट दल को कटक के बारबाटी या फीर ड्रीम्स कालेज मैदान में खेलने देने की जीद पर ओडिशा क्रिकेट एसोसिएशन अड़ा रहा तो परिणाम अच्छा नहीं होगा। उधर बजरंग दल के सुभाष चौहान ने कहा कि देश के दुश्मनों के साथ वैसा ही व्यवहार किया जाना चाहिए जैसा उन्होंने सीमा पर भारतीय सैनिकों के साथ किया है। चौहान ने कहा कि हमारी लचर रवैये के कारण ही पाकिस्तान बार-बार इस तरह की घिनौनी हरकत कर रहा है। सरकार को ईंट का जवाब पत्थर से देना चाहिए।

आइसीसी व बीसीसीआइ सदस्यों का जोरदार विरोध

आइसीसी व बीसीसीआइ सदस्यों का जोरदार विरोध

Updated on: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 02:25 AM (IST)
पाकिस्तानी महिला क्रिकेट खिलाड़ियों का जबरदस्त विरोध जारी है। अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद, उत्कल भारत, कलिंगा सेना के सदस्यों ने पुलिस कमिश्नर कार्यालय का घेराव किया। इस दौरान पुलिस और पाक खिलाड़ियों के विरोधियों के बीच धक्कामुक्की भी हुई। विरोधियों ने 24 जनवरी को कटक बंद का आह्वान किया गया है।
भुवनेश्वर हवाई अड्डे में आइसीसी एवं बीसीसीआइ सदस्यों को जोरदार विरोध झेलना पड़ा। इसके चलते पांच घटे तक ये सदस्य हवाई अड्डे से निकल नहीं सके। बाद में किसी तरह से उन्हें छिप-छिपाकर सभी को भुवनेश्वर पुलिस कमिश्नर कार्यालय लाए गए। इसकी भनक मिलते ही सैकड़ों कार्यकर्ता पुलिस कमिश्नर कार्यालय के सामने नारेबाजी करने लगे। पुलिस कार्यकर्ताओं को गिरफ्तार कर ली। इस बारे में पूछे जाने पर ओडिशा क्रिकेट एसोसिएशन के सचिव आशीर्वाद बेहेरा ने कहा कि मैच होगा। पुलिस एवं सरकार की ओर से सुरक्षा की कड़ी व्यवस्था की जायेंगी। आइसीसी सदस्य धीरज महापात्र ने भी मैच के लिए सरकारी सुरक्षा के बारे में जानकारी दी। इन लोगों ने बताया कि पाकिस्तानी खिलाड़ियो की सुरक्षा के लिए पुलिस कमिश्नर, गृह सचिव एवं खेल सचिव से बातचीत की गई है। वे कहे हैं कि किसी भी परिस्थिति में खेल होगा। इसके लिए किसी तरह की टिकट व्यवस्था नहीं की गयी है। केवल अपना परिचय पत्र दिखाकर स्टेडियम के अंदर जाना होगा। सीताकात, नेता एबीवीपी ने कहा कि किसी भी परिस्थिति में पाकिस्तानी क्रिकेट खिलाड़ियो को भुवनेश्वर की जमीं पर पैर रखने नहीं दिया जायेगा।

RSS condemns union home secretary

RSS condemns union home secretary

Source: VSK-ENG      Date: 1/25/2013 8:01:36 PM
Panvel, Mumbai- 25 January, 2013


The statement issued by the Union Home Secretary Shri R.K.Singh in support of a political speech of Union Home Minister Shri Susheel Kumar Shinde had contained several utterances about the RSS that were misleading, malafide and politically motivated. The RSS takes strong exception to that statement and condemns it in no uncertain terms.
The Union Home Secretary had disclosed the names of those ten people against whom certain allegations of involvement in terror incidences were made and the investigations are still underway. The matter is subjudice. It must be recalled that a different set of people belonging to the minority community were arrested earlier in the same cases, and the investigating agencies have filed the charge sheets after due investigations. Suddenly the investigations were given a new twist and another set of individuals were held to be responsible for same incidents. Those individuals, against whom the agencies seemed to have no sufficient evidence also, are sought to be linked to the RSS in a deplorable attempt to tarnish the image of the organization.

The RSS strongly condemns the act of Union Home Secretary in joining these forces to defame the RSS. We accuse him of uncalled for interference in the matter with view to influence the investigations. Through his defamatory statement against the RSS, the Union Home Secretary had become a part of the political conspiracy of the Congress. We strongly condemn his action.

Hyderabad's Owaisi brothers to remain in jail

Hyderabad's Owaisi brothers to remain in jail

$img_titleHyderabad : In a setback to Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen(MIM) president and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi, a local court in Sangareddy town of Medak district in Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday rejected his bail petition in connection with a case registered against him in 2005.
Asaduddin, who surrendered to the Sangareddy court on Monday after he was served with non-bailable warrant(NBW), applied for bail. He was charged with assaulting the then Medak Collector A K Singhal and other officials during a road-widening work at Muttangi village of Patancheru block.
The police had cases against Asaduddin and others under various sections of the IPC.
After hearing the arguments of the MIM president's lawyer Mohd Qureshi and the prosecution, the Sangareddy court rejected the bail petition. Later, Asaduddin was sent back to Sangareddy jail, where he would be lodged till February 2.
In the meantime, the first class magistrate court in Nirmal town of Adilabad district extended the judicial remand of Asaduddin's brother and Chandrayangutta MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi for another 14 days.
He was arrested on January 8 in connection with the alleged hate speech he had made targeting a particular community last month and charged with sedition and criminal conspiracy. He was taken back to Adilabad jail, where he would stay till February 5.
The Nirmal court also allowed the petition of the police to take the voice sample of Akbaruddin and fixed February 5 as the date for recording his voice, which will be done in the open court in the presence of experts from the Forensic Science Laboratory.
A tense atmosphere prevailed in the Old City of Hyderabad following the rejection of Asaduddin's bail petition and extension of Akbaruddin's judicial remand. The MIM workers forced shops, business establishments and educational institutions to down their shutters.
While the auto-rickshaws stayed off the roads, the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation(APSRTC) suspended majority of its bus services in the Old City area.
Except an incident of miscreants setting fire to an RTC bus near Bahadurpura in the early hours and sporadic attacks on the private vehicles, the city remained by and large peaceful. The Hyderabad police made extensive police bandobust in all the sensitive areas to prevent any toward incident.
Similar shutdown was observed in Sangareddy town, besides several Muslim-dominated areas of Nizamabad and Adilabad.
Meanwhile, yet another MIM legislator Ahmed Pasha Quadri representing Charminar assembly constituency landed in trouble with Karimnagar police registering a case against him for his alleged remarks against Mahatma Gandhi recently.
Speaking at a meeting of the MIM workers in Karimnagar last week, Quadri, who is also the general secretary of the MIM, allegedly questioned the propriety of installing the statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the premises of state legislative assembly which was constructed by the Nizam government.
"Majority of the monuments in Hyderabad were constructed by the Muslim rulers. Even the state assembly building was constructed by the VIIth Nizam. Why should Mahatma Gandhi's statue be installed in the assembly premises?" he argued.
Protesting against Quadri's comments, local Bharatiya Janata Party leader Bandi Sanjay Kumar approached the Karimnagar court, which directed the local police to register a case against Quadri under various sections of the IPC. The MIM legislator is likely to be arrested any time, the police said

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chennai fake-notes hauls points to B’desh border

Chennai fake-notes hauls points to B’desh border

$img_titleKolkata :Visitors to Chennai better be on their guard against counterfeit currency notes that are being circulated. Last week alone saw seizure of Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) worth Rs 5.5 lakh from four different places in the city. Four persons, three of whom are from West Bengal, were nabbed.
“What is disturbing is the high quality of the counterfeit notes seized during the last four days. The bundle of currency notes of Rs 5.03 lakh were in denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000. They are of superior quality and could be detected only with sophisticated gadgets available with banks,” said an investigating officer.
Col R Hariharan, a former Military Intelligence official , pointed out that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has been known to push counterfeit Indian currency notes through Nepal. “The Nepal border has been tightened now. Probably, the unguarded Bangladesh border has become the new entry point,” said Col Hariharan.
Friday night saw the police arresting Abdul Munaf following a dramatic car chase. Munaf led them to a house in suburban Chennai from where a bundle containing Rs 5.03 lakh was seized. But Rafeeq, leader of the gang, escaped the dragnet and the police is on the look out for him. “He had rented the house posing as an IT professional,” a police official said.
Police on Sunday seized 60 notes of Rs 500 denomination from two migrant labourers from West Bengal. Shaul Hameed and Hassan Usman from Murshidabad were trying to push the notes through road side eateries and cigarette vendors. Monday saw the police nabbing another youth from Murshidabad when he was trying to deposit FICN worth Rs 25,000 at the Sholinganallur branch of a nationalised bank.
Since the quality of the notes is similar in nature and the arrested persons were from Bengal, the police has concluded that the currencies were printed in Pakistan and pushed into India through Bangladesh. “There are thousands of migrant Bengali labourers in Chennai working in construction sites. They are vulnerable to any kind of temptation,” the official said.
A senior staff with a nationalised bank confirmed to The Pioneer that the quality of the counterfeit currency notes was of high standards. “Previously, we could identify FICNs by the texture and colour. The moment we touched it, we could tell if a currency note is fake. But not any more. Those printing the FICNs are doing a good job and for us, that is unnerving,” said the staff who did not want her name disclosed.
D Chandrabasu, a senior crime investigator who recently retired from the elite Central Crime Branch of Chennai Police, also said that counterfeit notes come to Chennai via Bangladesh. “The notes are printed in Pakistan with the sole aim of destabilising the Indian economy. They send bundles of currency notes through the Bangladesh’s border with India, a major portion of which remains unguarded and unprotected,” he said.
GG Chandrasekharan, a software engineer who visited the India-Bangladesh border in November last year with a group of youth, had told this correspondent that the border was unsafe and unguarded. “The India-Bangladesh border is as open and unguarded as the goal post of the Indian football team. More than 130 vacancies in the Border Security Force are yet to be filled. The living conditions of the BSF guards on duty are in a pathetic state. The border is a safe haven for smugglers,” Chandrasekharan had said.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dr Togadia’s 6 Questions to all political parties

Dr Togadia’s 6 Questions to all political parties

Source: VHP-DELHI, HQ      Date: 1/23/2013 2:59:36 PM
$img_titleNew Delhi, January 23, 2013 : Taking a jibe at the Union Home Minister’s claim of ‘Hindu Terrorism’. Dr Pravin Togadia, VHP International Working President asked 6 Questions:

1.      Who gave any political party or its representative any right – legal or constitutional – to term Hindus as Terrorist by using the term in public as ‘Hindu Terrorism’ & thereby hurting all Hindus’ sentiment?

2.      In many cases of Jehadi terrorism, many political parties’ workers have been arrested / convicted. E.g. In Mumbai 1993 serial blasts, Congress MP’s brother Sanjay Datt is a convict with appeal pending in upper court; in another Mumbai blast Youth Congress worker has been arrested; some from SP & some from other parties have been arrested. The cases are subjudice or under investigation. Why shouldn’t their political parties be termed as promoting “Islamic Terror’?

3.      The statement made by the Union Home Minister has been made while he still is the sitting Home Minister with power. Many cases of terrorism are under investigation or subjudice. He saying, ‘Many innocent Muslim Youth have been wrongly arrested in terrorism cases. BJP, RSS in their training camps promote Hindu Terrorism’ is a serious proclamation by the constitutional authority that is Home Minister. This surely influences Judiciary & the investigating agencies thereby depriving arrested Hindus a free & fair trial as promised by Bharat’s Constitution & also putting all Hindus in danger of getting implicated in any such cases or even killed by the other religion people with blessings from the Home Minister. The question is: Why should the Hon’ble Supreme Court not take suo moto note of this obvious violation of constitutional right of Hindus?

4.      Hindus have been contributing to the nation’s safety & security for ages. Now they are in majority in Bharat’s Army, police, CISF, BSF & other security forces. They give their lives for the nation. Recently Soldiers Hemraj & Sudhakar Sing ji were brutally killed, one of them beheaded by Pakistan. Rather than taking stern measures on Pakistan & Bangla Desh, the Govt is busy terming Hindus ‘Terrorists’! What action the Govt would take on the person who has demoralized all Hindus in the security agencies by saying such things?

5.      In many Jehadi attack cases, police from various states put their own lives to danger; the Govt pleaders too are at risk of their lives for making cases like 26/11 so tight that Kasab had to be hanged whereas Afzal Guru hanging is pending. All the while family members of the arrested Jehadis keep claiming innocence of their kin. Now with the HM statement, police investigating the matters will all the time be scared of being targeted by such family members. Who gave the right to the ruling party at the center to side the logic given by jehadi organizations by specifically terming “Minority youth innocent’ & ‘Hindus Terrorists’?

6.      The final question: What action will the Hon’ble Supreme Court take on such a blatant violation of constitution by the ruling political party?

Dr Togadia further said, “Congress has always been anti-Hindu. Now they are using the power to implicate Hindus in terrorism to appease their Muslim vote bank & therefore obviously, Jehadi Hafiz Sayeed congratulates the party for persecuting Hindus. The issue is insulting 100 Crore Hindus by terming them Terrorists. Hindus will never forgive the political parties who any which ways persecute them implicating them in terrorism cases be it the central Govt or any state Govt.”

Dr Togadia said that he would soon release the list of the so called cases given to NIA by various state Govts who purposely want to implicate Hindus in terror cases.
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Congress leader attends RSS Shakha Prog

Congress leader attends RSS Shakha Prog

Source: VSK- KARNATAKA      Date: 1/23/2013 2:47:03 PM
$img_titleBangalore, January 23, 2013 :  Noted Congress leader P Shivakumar attended RSS Shakha annual day celebrations at Bangalore. The programme was held at Hombegoudanagar near Wilson Garden, in which the loval shaksha of RSS by name Ambedkar Shakha celebrated its annual day (Varshikotsav) with a new guest.
Addressing the swaymsevaks Congress leader P Shivakumar said, “I will be an Swayamsevak hence forth,  I misunderstood RSS as communal. After attending this programme I realized the achievements, truth on RSS. We will cooperate with Sanghparivar”.
RSS Bangalore zone secretary KS Shridhar delivered lecture (Boudhik) on the occasion. RSS top fucntionaries V Nagaraj, Muttarumudi Guruprasad, Jyaram, V Manjunath and others participated. The programme was held on January 6th, 2013.
PHOTO : RSS Bangalore City secretary KS SHridhar speaks, Congress leader P Shivakumar seen.
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