Saturday, June 30, 2012

Muslim organisation express their fears about NSS and SNDP unity

Muslim organisation express their fears about NSS and SNDP unity

तारीख: 6/30/2012 2:02:54 PM


KOCHI, JUNE 30, 2012 : Immediately after the announcement from NSS General Secretary Sukumaran Nair and SNDP General Secretary Vellappally Natesan to work together against the blatant minority appeasement of UDF Government, Muslim League State General Secretary E.T.Basheer came out with the comments that these two organizations cannot come together because of their differences about reservation.Vellappally Natesan gave a quick reply this time; the reservation is not going to wreck their decision to work together since they have realized the folly of their separation and how the so called minorities have taken advantage of their divisive stance.

Muslim organizations could not hide their embarrassment about this sudden happening and Jamayat Council’s State General Secretary Adv.A.Pookunju went a step ahead of E.T.Basheer and made an observation that the SNDP should remain with backward communities and lead them from the front to safeguard the reservation being enjoyed by them. He added that the decision of NSS and SNDP to work together will be a threat to the religious harmony in the state and could lead to internal altercation.

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